To the Alliance:

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The warmth of Derdriu was a nice change of pace.

Well... That's how Byleth felt about it at least, Dimitri... He wasn't faring too well with the humidity.

"Just take off your cloak Dimitri" Byleth sighed as she stared at him, it looked as though he'd just come from the sauna. His face was a bright pink and sweat prickled at his skin.

Dimitri let out an annoyed huff, "I can manage it" he murmured back to her.

Byleth chuckled slightly and shook her head at him, "I can't believe how prideful you're being about this right now Dimitri" she hummed "No one is going to care if you don't have it on" she added.

Dimitri frowned slightly, he seemed to be considering it for a moment "If our soldiers can wear their armor in this heat so can I" he replied.

Goddess and she was married to this man.

"You're being difficult Dimitri" Byleth groaned "But fine, be gross and sweaty" she hummed "But don't expect us to share a tent in that case" she concluded.

Dimitri chuckled, "Is that right?" he mused "You wound me my Beloved".

"You both are disgusting" Felix called out "You make up and already we have to deal with this" he sighed and shook his head, "I thought you were smarter than this Byleth" he added.

Byleth shrugged "I think you overestimate me Felix" she replied.

Sylvain chuckled, "Yeah I knew the talk of taking on multiple lovers and becoming a mercenary was false" be sighed and shook his head "But a guy can dream, can't he?" he laughed.

Flayn gasped and hit Byleth's shoulder, "You're still going on about that?!" she said sternly "What would Brother and Lady Rhea say" she scolded.

"I vividly remember Uncle nearly choking on wine the first time I said that" Byleth replied.

"I feel as though I have missed something very important" Dimitri sighed and shook his head then turned to Sylvain "And as for you, knock it off you philanderer" he added sternly.

Sylvain grinned at the Prince, "Oh come on Your Highness, I'm only kidding around" he hummed then paused for a moment, "Wait, Flayn did you say Byleth has said this before?" he questioned.

A red color fell over Flayn's face, "I do not wish to be discussing such things" she declared.

The red head let out a loud laugh, "I can't believe it, I knew you didn't come up with it on the spot" he chuckled.

Byleth crossed her arms and frowned at him, "I told you before, that was my back up plan" she murmured "And it was a joke" she sighed.

Sylvain winked at her, "Yeah, sure Byleth" he laughed.

Byleth shook her head at him, "In any case we should focus on the battle ahead of us" she huffed out "It has to be urgent for Claude to call for our help in such a manner" she added, changing the subject.

Dimitri nodded his head in agreement, "Yes, it is" he replied "I'm still a bit shocked at how he knew we reconquered Fhirdiad so soon" he murmured.

"Spies perhaps?" Byleth suggested.

The Prince was silent for a moment, "Maybe, but it still doesn't explain how the letter got here so fast" he said.

Byleth shrugged, "We'll find out soon enough" she sighed.

With each passing minute Derdriu was getting closer and closer.


The Aquatic Capital.

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