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The Battle of the Eagle and Lion.

It's so close yet so far at the same time.

Byleth's students were excited for it, they'd spent most of their time training. They were certainly much stronger than they had been when they first arrived moons ago. But the same could be said for the other classes. And they may have been training hard, especially after the Blue Lions defeated them at the mock battle.

A shame really.

Since the Blue Lions were going to win this.

Sothis chuckled, "You seem very assured of your young one's skill" she hummed.

Byleth nodded and began to put on her armor, "Of course I am" she replied "They've grown a lot" she added.

"So, they have" Sothis hummed "Now hurry and get ready then, your little ones are waiting" she huffed out.

Byleth chuckled then finished putting her armor on and left for the training grounds.

"Byleth!" Flayn shouted and approached her as she entered the ground.

She nodded to her, "Hello Flayn '' Byleth replied and looked around to the rest of the class most of them were sparing amongst one another already. except two of them, "Where is Dimitri and Dedue?" she questioned.

"Ah! They went to speak with Lady Rhea" Flayn replied "Something about a rebellion in the Kingdom, I believe" she added.

A rebellion in the Kingdom? "I see" she murmured "Come on now, you should be sparing against Bernadetta" Byleth said.

Flayn nodded and returned back to the other girl. Byleth watched as the two of them spared against one another, Flayn had certainly gotten better within the few weeks that she had been with them. But... Byleth wasn't exactly certain that meant that she was ready to engage in the battle of the Eagle and Lion. 

But... That was aside from the point right now. Flayn had mentioned a rebellion in the Kingdom, Byleth couldn't help but feel concerned over it.

"Byleth, I apologize for our tardiness," Dimitri called out.

She turned and saw him and Dedue enter the training grounds, "No worries, Flayn told me you both had to speak with Lady Rhea regarding something important" she replied.

Dimitri nodded, "Yes, that is true" he began "Actually there is something I wish to speak with you about as well" he added.

Byleth tilted her head in confusion, "Oh? And what's that?" she asked.

"There is currently an uprising in Faerghus" Dimitri said "In the Western part of Faerghus" he added.

Byleth nodded, "So in Duscur" she murmured "Why?".

Dimitri and Dedue both looked to one another for a moment, "The land of Duscur was burned to ashes by the army of Faerghus. All of the people slaughtered" Dedue began "This was our punishment for the crime of regicide" he declared.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows, "I am sorry Dedue" she said quietly.

Dedue shook his head, "There is no need Lady Byleth, it was not your fault. Nor was it His Highnesses'' he replied, "Anyways I believe that this uprising is by survivors such as myself who fled from Duscur" he said "They must wish to reclaim their homeland".

Dimitri nodded, "Yes... The Current Viscount of the area sent a request for aid to both the church and to the Kingdom Capital'' he began "So far lords that surround that region have sent men to help quell the uprising" he said "However... My worry is that there will be more unwarranted death" he sighed "There are still many within Faerghus who hold the people of Duscur responsible for what happened and hate them for it" he declared and shook his head. "Should the rebels and army of Faerghus clash... There is no doubt that the rebel forces will be annihilated".

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