Remire Village:

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Two years had passed as swiftly as they came.

It was weird.

Lately... She had been having these dreams.

Not the usual dream of the girl on the throne, but a dream of a war.

She has never seen the full dream it normally ends on the man landing in the dirt as flames circle around him. There's something else that bothers her, it's the blade he wields in the dream. It looks just like the blade that Nemesis was said to have wielded.

The Sword of the Creator.

But... Byleth was derailing from the point.

Right now, she needed to speak with her Grandmother.

There had been... Weird things happening lately in one of the nearby towns.

Remire village.

The Villagers had been reporting weird things happening in the woods, something about weird looking mages? People disappearing, it was certainly strange. Honestly Byleth had no clue if it were true but... It was her duty as a Knight of Seiros to investigate.

And truth be told, she wasn't exactly wanting to be at the monastery at the moment.

She had found out there would be a lot of familiar faces around her this year... Including the Prince of Faerghus.

Much to her dismay this fact had been kept from her, Byleth had only just found out about it a week ago.

When she received a letter from His Highness.

She immediately confronted Grandmother on the matter, and she admitted to keeping it hidden from her for fear she would try to leave on some mission.

Which was absolutely preposterous, and definitely not what she was trying to do.

But Byleth had a duty to carry out as a knight and to wash over such a rumor seemed foolish.

Well... That's what she will tell herself at least, and Grandmother.

Byleth walked through the halls of the monastery till she reached Grandmother's audience chambers.

She was busy talking with a tall man with dirty blond hair.

Byleth hadn't seen him before, she stared at him and then he turned and met her gaze.

"Byleth, what brings you here?" Grandmother called out to her.

Byleth walked over to them, "I came to speak with you, but I can wait until you are finished" she said.

"It's alright, we are already done here" Grandmother began "Byleth this is Jeritza Von Hrym" she said "He will be teaching swordsmanship here at the academy".

Byleth nodded, the man kept his gaze on her. There was something... Unsettling about him "I see" she murmured "Nice to meet you" she added.

Jeritza nodded, "Likewise" he said then turned around and left from the audience chamber.

"He isn't much of a talker" Grandmother said "Now, what have you come here for my dear?" she questioned.

Byleth stood there a moment, "Ah, well we have been receiving reports from Remire Village about strange occurrences there" she began "People have supposedly gone missing and there have been sightings of strange looking mages in the woods at night" she said "I want to go and investigate it" she said sternly.

Grandmother was silent for a moment, "This does sound serious" she murmured "Are you certain?" she asked.

Byleth nodded, "Yes, we have been getting news on this for a few weeks now" she added.

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