Departure from Gautier Estate:

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Byleth shut the door behind her promptly, her mind was whirling.

Everything had just happened so fast... It had gone wrong so fast...

She hadn't wanted to make matters worse, if she'd just shut up and stayed seated then none of this would have happened...

Byleth sighed, as much as she believed that it was her fault, she also knew that this was the Margrave's doing.

How could he just thrust that information onto someone, at a party, nonetheless?

Byleth's dresses were strewn upon the bed where she had left them before. She quickly shoved them back into her chest.

A loud knock came from the door, "Lady Byleth?" Shamir called out.

Byleth opened the door to let her in, "Lady Rhea informed Alois and I of tonight's events" Shamir began "Alois and the Archbishop are ready to go now" she said then walked over to her chest "You go, I'll take this there" she added.

Byleth nodded, "Thank you Shamir" she said and left the room.

While Byleth felt bad... She was also relieved.

They would return to the monastery. Uncle would scold her, and everything would go back to normal after that.

She would go on her missions, and fish with Flayn during her free time.

Byleth walked through the halls of Gautier estate.


She stopped in her tracks and turned to her caller.


Bright blue eyes stared at her. His eyebrows were furrowed.

Dimitri had grown.

A lot.

"My Father told me you had grown taller than me" Byleth said in shock "I didn't want to believe it" she added "But it seems he was telling the truth".

Dimitri was silent for a moment, and the corner of his lips curved upwards "Yes... I couldn't be shorter than you forever" he replied then paused awkwardly "The Margrave said that you and Lady Rhea are departing" he said and shifted around "I... Had hoped that we would have been able to rekindle our friendship while you were here" he added.

Byleth's gaze fell to the floor.

Their friendship...

"I got the feeling you might have been avoiding me as well" Dimitri said.

"Ah" was all Byleth managed to say before awkward silence fell over them once again.

She wasn't going to deny the accusation... However, it didn't mean she would acknowledge it either.

Dimitri coughed, "Byleth... The Margrave mentioned that you and Miklan got into an argument of some sort?" he questioned "Are you alright?".

Byleth frowned, the Margrave worked fast she'll give him that "Yes, perfectly fine thanks for the conversation Your Highness now if you'll excuse me" she said and began to turn away.

"Wait! Byleth I didn't mean to pry if it was personal" Dimitri stammered out "I just didn't realize that you were friends with Miklan" he added.

Byleth sighed, "Miklan isn't my friend" she stated "I just wanted to ensure he was ok, but I failed and made things worse" she stood there a moment in shock, she hadn't meant to blurt that out. "I have to go. My Grandmother is waiting" Byleth said quietly "Goodbye Dimitri" she concluded and left down the hallway.

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