Training Grounds:

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Byleth stared at the class for a moment, goddess was she unprepared.

"Ok" she said and clasped her hands together "From here we'll go to the training ground, based on your performances today I will decide who is going to be in the mock battle" she said "Now let's go" she concluded and guided them to the grounds.

As she led them, Byleth had been thinking up possible sparring partners.

And once they reached the grounds, she paired them off, "Annette you will spar with Mercedes. Ashe you're against Ingrid, Felix you and Dedue. And Sylvain you're against His Highness" Byleth called out as they gathered their weapon.

Sylvain groaned, "Can I switch with someone else?" he asked, then looked at Felix.

Felix promptly shook his head, "I'm not fighting the boar" he said sternly and grabbed a blade.

That was going to be a problem.

Aside from those comments there was no real opposition on the pairings, and soon enough the fighting began.

She already had a general idea on who would probably be best to send out for the Mock battle. But it was wise to start noting their strengths and weaknesses.

To no surprise of Byleth, Dimitri managed to take Sylvain out with ease. But it was pretty much a given that he would be in the mock battle, he was the house leader after all.

"Byleth" Dimitri called out, "What do we do now?" he asked.

Byleth beckoned them over to her, "Just watch them fight with me" she replied "You too Sylvain" she added.

The red head groaned and went to her side, "You know there are Lady Knight's here that I need to get acquainted with" Sylvain sighed.

Byleth shook her head, "Leave them alone" she sighed "I don't want to hear it on missions".

"You're no fun," Sylvain groaned.

"Enough Sylvain" Dimitri said in a stern voice, "So Byleth, have you thought about who will be representing us in the mock battle?" he asked.

"That's why I am watching your class spar one another" Byleth replied and kept her gaze glued to the students, "I am thinking Mercedes would be good, she's a bit weaker but having her heal could be useful on the battlefield" she murmured to him.

Dimitri was quiet a moment, "Hmm, perhaps you should keep her nearby someone who can take a hit, and attack as well" he replied.

Byleth nodded, she was watching Dedue and Felix spar now. Felix was fast and able to dodge, Dedue's hits but Dedue was able to take his attacks like nothing.

"Perhaps Dedue?" Byleth asked and looked to Dimitri.

The Prince nodded, "He would be good for it" he responded.

Byleth nodded and looked back to the other students, Ashe and Ingrid seemed to be evenly matched in their fight but in the end, Ashe ended up winning.

Slowly all of the other paired sparring sessions end as well and they all gather around her at the side of the training grounds, "Ok, you all did good so far" Byleth began "But we will need to work harder in order to win, and for us to be ready for our missions'' she said "But, I do know have an idea of who will be fighting on during to mock battle". She looked around at them, they seemed excited "His Highness, Mercedes, Dedue, and Ashe" Byleth declared, "You four should train more in preparation, any questions?".

Silence fell over them, the four that hadn't been chosen looked a bit hurt, well three actually Sylvain looked as though he could care less.

Ingrid was the first to speak up, "Would you be able to do more on hand training?" she asked "I need help with correcting my swing" her face grew a bit pink as she asked.

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