The Immaculate One:

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A crest stone...

So that is what truly lied in her chest all these years, was she even Human?

Did Byleth truly have the right to live amongst them? To live her life with Dimitri?

Immortality... It left a sour taste in Byleth's mouth, she didn't want to watch the people she cares about grow gray while she remains. It would only be a matter of time before they...


She shouldn't think about that.

Byleth sighed and looked up to the gaping hole in the Cathedral, she didn't come expecting an answer from the Goddess. All she wanted was the comfort of an old friend.

A choice had to be made.

Not about Whether or not she would be the Archbishop, Byleth had already decided on that. Despite Rhea's pleas to reconsider, she couldn't. In a way Edelgard was right. The Church had far too much power, Fodlan might just be better off without it.

But of course, that wasn't going to happen.

Someone else would just fill her spot. But she supposed that someone else would be better than Rhea was... Or... She hopes...

Was this a mistake?

Byleth is not perfect by any means... But can she trust someone else to lead the Church and to do the right thing?

There were few people who could-


Why didn't she think of it sooner?

Yes... There was no reason for Byleth to remain as the Archbishop, the Church would be safe in Uncle's hands... Byleth is sure of it.

Now... That left just one thing to be decided...


"Byleth" his voice rang out "There you are".

His timing was impeccable, she'll give him that.

Byleth sighed then turned to face him, "Hm, is something the matter?" she asked.

Dimitri stared at her for a moment, "I feel as though I should be asking you that" he replied and walked closer to her, "What ails you?".

Byleth hummed softly and shook her head, "It's nothing Dimitri" she said "I'm just thinking something over" she sighed.

He nodded, "I see... Would it have to do with what you and Lady Rhea spoke about the other day?" he asked.

Hm... She had yet to tell him about that. "Are you stalking me again Dimitri?" Byleth questioned.

Dimitri chuckled and shook his head, "Beloved, why do you assume that immediately" he sighed.

"Because you have done it before" Byleth retorted.

A deep shade of Blush fell over his "I have not" he replied.

"You have, do you not recall all those years ago when we first spoke about our betrothal" Byleth began "You followed me around the monastery because you thought I was going to leave again" she added.

Dimitri was silent for a moment then shook his head, "I... I suppose you have a point" he murmured then shook his head, "But that is beside the point" he began "Seteth told me today that the two of you had spoken" he concluded.

So, Uncle tattled on her. Byleth should have known. "Hmm, I see," she sighed.

"Are you alright?" Dimitri asked, "I know you were nervous to speak with her" he added.

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