Heir to House Gautier:

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Byleth made her way to her room in silence.

Poor Sylvain.

Although... It did just seem to be speculation, Byleth still felt bad for him. She couldn't think of the countless times she was afraid to be thrusted into an arranged marriage.

Luckily, she had Uncle Seteth who was more often than not the voice of reason to Grandmother.

Byleth had reached the door to her quarters when someone down the hall behind her called out, "You know, I thought I would have been the first person you came to see once you got here".

She stopped, "Sylvain?" Byleth questioned then turned around to see if her suspicions were true.

The young boy she had once known was now all grown up, he smiled at her "I thought we were friends?" he laughed.

"Sorry Sylvain" Byleth replied, he was different from Miklan. Sylvain seemed more carefree, he kept softer expressions on his face while Miklan had a permanent scowl.

"Might I say Byleth" Sylvain began pausing for a moment "You look utterly captivating this fine morning" he said and winked at her.

Byleth grimaced.

Sylvain's eyes crinkled and he laughed, "Ouch, you didn't even say a word and yet you wound me so" he said while shaking his head.

The fact that Sylvain had come on to her in such a manner... Well it was safe to say that he wasn't getting married anytime soon.

"That was painful to watch" someone called out, Sylvain turned his head to look at the intruder, a blonde girl came into view.

"Ingrid, you wounded me as well," Sylvain sighed.

The blonde girl shook her head in disapproval, must you always do this Sylvain?" Ingrid sighed then turned to Byleth, "You're free to go, I'll handle him" she said.

"Hey!" Sylvain said loudly "I'll have you know Byleth, here is perfectly ok with my advances, isn't that right Byleth?" he questioned.

The girl Ingrid glared at Sylvain and Byleth grimaced once more. "I'll pass Sylvain," Byleth replied.

"Ah, man" Sylvain sighed "After years of friendship I get rejected" he said and shook his head.

Ingrid snorted, "I have a hard time believing that you have friends outside of His Highness, Felix, and I" she said.

Sylvain's eyebrows furrowed, "I do so, Byleth here is proof" he said "We've been friends since I visited the monastery when we were kids" he added.

Ingrid looked to Byleth for confirmation, and Byleth nodded her head.

"That is true" Byleth said "He came alongside the King and other delegates from the Kingdom, Miklan, and..." she had begun to say but trailed off.


Sylvain seemed to pick up on it, a sad expression fell over his face momentarily, "Yeah..." he murmured then shook his head "Anyways, we've known each other for quite some time" he added to Ingrid.

The blonde didn't seem to pick up on what they were avoiding discussing, but then again how would she know.

"Hmm, well it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" Ingrid began "I am Ingrid Brandi Galatea" she said "And you are?".

Byleth bowed slightly, "Byleth Eisner" she replied.

Ingrid's eyes widened, "Ah! You're Byleth" she said "His Highness has mentioned you to us, and so has..." she began but trailed off.

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