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"Lady Byleth!" Alois's voice echoed through the small room as he entered it, "We have been worried as to where you were" he began "We thought the worst may have happened but, we were told you were helping out down here in the Abyss" he said, "And now... Aelfric has gone missing" he sighed "But worry not we will not rest until he is found!".

Byleth nodded, "I do not doubt that Alois" she began "How many knights has Grandmother dispatched?" she asked.

Alois shifted around awkwardly, "Ah... About that Lady Rhea sent a lot of them out to investigate the Western Church" he sighed.

Did that mean... "My Father as well?" she questioned.

"No," Alois said while shaking his head, "But he was assigned to search for Aelfric" he added.

Byleth nodded, that made sense to search for him.

"Aside from you Alois, is there any other help from the knights of Seiros?" Dimitri butted in.

Alois nodded, "Why Lady Byleth of course" he laughed "But aside from that no, Lady Rhea doesn't really even want Lady Byleth down here, but she is willing to... Well up until we find Aelfric at least" he sighed.

"Ahem" Yuri coughed from the doorway "I hate to break up this reunion, but everyone else is waiting for you three in the classroom" he added.

Byleth nodded, "Right, of course my apologies" she said "Come Alois, Dimitri... I'd advise you to rest, but I have a feeling it's a waste of breath, correct?".

Dimitri chuckled and stood up from the cot and walked beside her, "Your analysis would be correct" he said and left for the Ashen Wolves classroom.


"Woah! We actually have help from the knights of Seiros?" Balthus said in surprise.

Alois nodded, "Yes... Although it's not much, essentially just me and Lady Byleth" he sighed "Most of our knights have been deployed to the Western Church to investigate after the incident at the Holy Tomb".

The Holy Tomb, that felt as though it were so long ago already.

Balthus shrugged, "Eh, any knights are better than none" he began then frowned and looked at Byleth, "Wait... You were a knight... I thought you were a Professor?" he questioned.

"Both" Byleth replied "But that's aside from the point" she added.

"Agreed" Yuri said then turned to Alois, "This is the letter that we received from the alleged kidnaper" he added and gave Alois the piece of parchment.

Alois read the letter, "Wait... The Chalice?" he questioned and looked up at them "You mean to tell me they are after THE Chalice?!" he said in disbelief "It's here? In the Abyss?!".

Byleth nodded and Balthus chuckled, "This might be a bit of a shock, pal" he said and brought forth the Chalice.

Alois's eyes went wide, "This... Is really the Chalice of legend?!" he said in awe.

Constance nodded, there was a small smile on her face, "Yes, the probability of it is high" she declared.

"Yeah... It was guarded by creepy magical toys and powerful magic" Hapi butted in.

Byleth looked at Alois, "All they have said is true" she confirmed.

Alois looked shocked still, "I can't believe that the legend of the Chalice being bound is true" he whispered and shook his head, "Lady Byleth... I will need to report this to Lady Rhea, I think it's best you accompany me" he said then looked at the Ashen Wolves "You four as well" he added "It is most urgent that we speak with her immediately".

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