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Byleth woke up in a cold sweat. She sat up in her bed and rubbed at her face, since the attack at the monastery the other day she'd had trouble sleeping. 

That general would haunt her dreams... Well, not him per say, more of what Dimitri could become. Other times she would get a dream of just plunging straight into nothingness, she hated that one most.

The grey light of the early morning was filtering through her window, it was early but not super early. And so, she rose and began to change into her armor for the day. They were going to be leaving within a couple of hours after all.

To Ailell.

The heat is said to be unbearable, but... Lord Rodrigue had a good point on having them meet there. No one in their right mind would wish to go there of their own volition, so it should be the perfect place to meet them without fear of anyone intruding on the delivery.

But that didn't make her dread going there any less. The heat of Ailell is well known through Fodlan it is said to have been destroyed by the goddess's wrath.

It was hard to imagine Sothis doing such a thing, sure she was dramatic. But wrathful?

Byleth had her doubts, but that's the way the legend was told.

Once she finished dressing Byleth left from her room and to the dining room.

"Lady Byleth" Ferdinand's voice rang through the dining hall, she looked over at him, Flayn sat across from him.

She smiled and waved to Byleth, "Come join us once you get your food" Flayn called out.

Byleth nodded, she'd seen her dear sweet Flayn spending an increasing amount of time with Ferdinand, Byleth assumed it was only a matter of time before Uncle came to the realization as well. But alas, Byleth will help her dear sweet Flayn.

Well... Try to at least, Uncle is... Difficult sometimes.

But for her dear sweet Flayn she will do what she must!

Which is essentially acting as a buffer, so Uncle doesn't grow suspicious.

She grabbed her food and then sat beside Flayn "Good morning" she murmured to them.

Flayn chuckled and looked to Byleth, "I'm surprised to see you up at this hour" she began "I figured that you would rest as much as possible today" she hummed.

That is precisely what Byleth had planned, but no.

Byleth shrugged, "What can I say, I wished to have breakfast before we leave" she replied. There was... Some truth to that.

Flayn nodded, "That makes sense" she said then sighed heavily "I do wish Brother would have allowed for me to come" she murmured.

Ferdinand had a sympathetic smile on his face, "It is probably for the best Flayn" he said "The heat there is unbearable, fortunately you won't have to endure it" he concluded.

"Still, I would have liked to join" she murmured "It is only to retrieve soldiers and supplies, Brother is so paranoid" she groaned.

Byleth chuckled softly and shook her head, "You'll live Flayn" she replied, "Things may seem easy but we can never be too sure" she added "Uncle is just trying to protect you" she concluded.

Flayn let out a loud groan, "Byleth! Whose side are you on!" she said in a huff.

"Yours of course" Byleth hummed then stood up from the table, "I'll leave you two be for now, I have to go do something" she concluded then got back in line to grab another serving to take to the Prince.

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