The Prince of Faerghus Part Two:

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Glenn and the Prince guided Byleth through the castle, and she was shown the secret paths that were built to get the royal family where they needed to go with ease. She was shown the royal library, which had more fiction work and a wider variety of books than she had seen at Garreg Mach.

And finally, Dimitri stopped in front of a wooden, there was a sad smile on his face "This is my Mama's room" he said sadly.

Glenn put a hand on Dimitri's shoulder "It's only temporarily your Highness" he said.

Dimitri's head fell "That's what Papa said, but..." he began "It's been too long" he whined "I miss my Mama" he added.

Glenn opened his mouth to say something, possibly words of comfort but he got cut off. "You kids can't be here" the loud voice boomed, and the footsteps drew closer to them.

That voice...

"Captain Jeralt" Dimitri called out "Can you sneak me in?" he asked.

Byleth turned to her Father, the man shook his head, "Not today kid" he said "The King said no visitors since she has a special guest today" he added.

The Prince frowned, honestly it looked like he was about to cry.

Glenn must have picked up on this too because he patted the Prince on the back lightly "I think they will make us Saghert and Cream if we go ask for it in the kitchen" he said.

Dimitri was silent for a moment, "Ok" he said quietly, as Glenn began to guide him away.

Glenn looked back to Byleth, "We'll give you time with your Father" he said "Come meet us in the kitchen once you're done" he added then continued walking away.

Byleth stood in silence for a moment looking at her Father, "So how was your trip here Kid?" Jeralt asked.

"It was fine," Byleth replied, "I hope Faerghus has been treating you well," she said.

Jeralt nodded, "Yeah... It has" he said "His Majesty is a good man" he added.

Byleth nodded, "Indeed" she agreed "I take that you will still be staying in Faerghus after Grandmother and I leave, correct?" she asked, that question left a sour taste in her mouth.

"I don't know" Jeralt confessed "I'll have to ask Lady Rhea if I can return to Garreg Mach, I believe I told you before she decides where I go Kid, not me" he said and paused for a moment "I want to be there at Garreg Mach with you, you're my daughter after all" he added.

Byleth was silent for a moment, "I see" she murmured "In that case I apologize" she said.

Jeralt laughed, "Don't worry about it kid" he said "Do you want me to take you to the kitchen?" he asked.

Byleth shook her head, "It's alright, Glenn and His Highness already showed me where it was earlier" she said "Thank you for the offer but I will be fine" she added.

Jeralt nodded, "Alright then Kid... I'll see you around" he said.

Byleth nodded, "Good-bye Father" she said and left in the direction that Glenn and His Highness left through.

Byleth walked through the halls of the castle till she reached the kitchens in there she saw Glenn and the Prince pestering one of the chefs in there until they gave them what they wanted.

"Ah, there you are Byleth" Glenn said as he walked over to her and handed her a small plate with the baked good on it, "Come on, we're going to eat it in the dining hall" he added and began leading the way.

The dining hall was a bit different than that of Garreg Mach, it was one long grand table. It looked like it was more status based; those who were of higher power were closer to the King than those who weren't although... She doubted that King Lambert followed that structure. He seemed to be a man who valued loyalty above all.

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