The Prince of Faerghus Part One:

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It was beautiful.

The castle town that surrounded it was lively, people walked past them carrying goods or holding the hands of their young. There were market stalls around them, it was lively.

Or so it looked from the carriage window.

The plague was starting to die down but Grandmother and Rodrigue thought it best to avoid being in a public space such as this.

Byleth stared out the window longingly as the people walked besides their loved ones so happily.

It made her miss Uncle Seteth and Flayn.

Maybe one day they could visit it together. Although she knew the reality of it, Byleth would never get to experience things the same way as the common people of Faerghus do. 

Her fate was sealed.

Being the next Archbishop to reign over Fodlan took away her freedom to enjoy things as kids her age would. She knows she should be happy to have such a fortunate life but...

She can't help but wonder what it's like. To live life without having to follow the rules and expectations set on her.

"Here we are" Glenn murmured to her as they arrived at the large entrance gate of Castle Blaiddyd.

They got out of the carriage and of course it was cold, it was probably far colder here than it had been in any other territories, Byleth snugged her cloak around her tighter and looked around with wide eyes at the castle. It was huge.

Far bigger than Garreg Mach.

"Magnificent, isn't it?" Glenn said as he stood beside her looking at the castle.

Byleth nodded, "Yeah, it is" she said softly.

Glenn smiled and opened his mouth to say something but Rodrigue cut him off, "Come it's best we get to His Majesty at once" Rodrigue said and began to guide them through the castle till they reached the throne room.

King Lambert sat in his throne speaking with some nobles that had come to court that day, as they drew closer to him, he quickly waved off the nobles he was speaking with.

"Your Grace" Lambert called out as he rose from his throne and began walking to them, "I hope that your travels went well" he said.

Rhea smiled, "Yes, our trip here was fine" she said.

The King smiled softly then looked to Byleth, he looked exhausted "Lady Byleth, I am glad you came as well" he said "I hope you enjoy your time here" he added.

"Thank you, your Majesty," Byleth said.

"Your Majesty, I think we should speak later" Rhea said "The Queen's life is more urgent at the moment" she said.

King Lambert nodded, "Yes, thank you Your Grace" he said and bowed "I am forever in the debt of the church, follow me I'll guide you to my beloved" he added and began walking away.

"Glenn, do show Byleth around the castle" Rodrigue called out "I am sure His Highness is somewhere around here" he added and followed after King Lambert and Lady Rhea.

Byleth and Glenn stood in silence in the throne room for a moment "Is there anywhere in particular you want to see?" he asked.

Byleth thought about it for a moment, "Is there a garden?" she asked.

Glenn laughed, "I thought you might ask to see the training grounds first" he said "I'm a little surprised" he added.

"Oh," Byleth said, "We can go there first if you would like," she said.

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