A Celebration:

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Byleth didn't march back besides her class.

Instead she had joined Grandmother and Uncle.

"You did excellent out there dear!" Grandmother beamed happily, "Right Seteth!?".

Uncle nodded, "You have trained them well Byleth" he praised "But you must continue to grow with them, the other classes will not be so easy to defeat the next time" he added.

Byleth nodded her head, "Of course" she said "We will have to work harder for now on then".

"Good" Uncle replied.

"You know dear, I will be assigning your class their first real mission soon" Grandmother said.

So soon?

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows, "I see" she murmured "What is it about?" she asked.

Grandmother shook her head "I cannot say yet" she hummed "But you will know soon enough".

Byleth was silent for a moment, "Could this be about the mission you sent Catherine and Gilbert on?" she asked.

Grandmother tensed up, "No, they are looking into something else" she said "For now just reveal in your victory sweet child" she hummed.

Byleth wasn't convinced but... She supposed she was right.


As soon as she arrived at the monastery Byleth bathed, she wasn't dirty per say but the feeling of sweat was something she wanted gone.

There was a celebratory feast in the dining hall, Flayn and Jeralt had both told her about it. She was tempted to join but... It was best to let the students have their fun and not worry about their professor watching over them.

Well... Not exactly their Professor, but Lady Rhea's scion watching them.

They worked hard, the last thing they would want is to have to be on edge due to her.

But goddess, the food she would be missing out on.

And right on cue her stomach growled.

"Traitor" she hissed at it.

She could always just sneak in and out of there, no one would see her.


That could work.

It was already night, she thought as she walked through the halls quietly there was a good chance things had died down, already right?

"Byleth! There you are, I have been searching all over!"

She turned to see Dimitri jogging to her, "Where have you been?" he asked.

"My room" Byleth replied "What do you need?" she asked.

Dimitri stood there for a moment, "I was hoping that you would join us in celebration of our victory today" he said.


She hadn't been expecting that.

"I didn't know I was invited" she replied "Plus I doubt your fellow classmates would feel comfortable with their Professor beside them in celebration" Byleth added.

"If they could celebrate with their Prince beside them, I think they can with their Professor as well" Dimitri said and smiled at her.

Byleth looked away, "That's different Your Highness, we are not in the Kingdom and I am not just their Professor" she said sternly.

"I'm certain the others would like you there as well Byleth" Dimitri replied "And while on the topic of us not being in the Kingdom, I have a request".

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