What comes next:

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Something in Dimitri snapped that night.

Whatever resistance to succumbing to his darkest most sinister thoughts broke into a million after Dedue sacrificed himself for them.

Dimitri was silent as they rode away from Fhirdiad, Byleth couldn't blame him. She wasn't in a talking mood either. Her head ached, and her heart felt heavy.

As much as she is grateful to Sothis for the gift of divine Pulse, sometimes the weight of using it is overwhelming. Should any person have the power to tinker time to their liking?

Should she have-


she can't think like that.

"Dimitri... We'll need to stop soon" Byleth said "We need to come up with a plan" she sighed.

Dimitri was silent for a moment, and after a few minutes they finally stopped for a break.

"Let's head to Enbarr" Dimitri began "We'll kill Edelgard" he concluded.

Byleth frowned at him, "Dimitri, you can't be serious right now" she said, "We need to go to the monastery and gather what forces we can to reclaim Fhirdiad" she began "We don't stand a chance against the Empire-".

"Silence" Dimitri hissed "You don't know what you are talking about" he said sternly.

She stared at him for a moment, was he serious? "Dimitri, Cornelia cannot be allowed to get away with this, think of the citizens of Faerghus, we owe it to them" she declared.

Dimitri shook his head, "No, I've held off long enough and look where it led us" he spat "Dedue is dead, how many more must I lose before that wrench pays for what she's done".

Her eyes widened. She'd never heard such venom in his tone before. "We can't just march to Enbarr" Byleth said sternly "We need soldiers and supplies to attack Enbarr, two people alone cannot prevail" she added.

Dimitri narrowed his eyes at her, "Then go to the monastery" he hissed "But do not expect that I will join you" he snarled.

A lump formed in her throat, "Dimitri, please Dedue is gone" she began in an unsteady voice "We don't need to lose you as well" she said "The others will help you fight the Empire, if that is what you truly wish" she concluded.

He was silent for a moment, mulling over her words. "Fine" Dimitri muttered "We need to get there at once then" he concluded.

Byleth frowned, "Wait a moment" she said sternly "I need to heal you" she began "You have wounds from Cornelia and from our fight leaving Fhirdiad, I have to fix them before they get worse" she added.

Dimitri let out a huff of annoyance but sat on the ground staring at her.

She didn't want to test his patience at the moment, so she got to work quickly. Her healing skill had certainly declined over five years, or maybe she was still just weakened from battle, but she wasn't able to do much without overexerting her magic skill. And being useless was the last thing she needed right now. Byleth needed to be able to stop Dimitri if he were to attempt to do something rash.

"I hope this helps somewhat" Byleth murmured then watched as the golden glow faded from her hands "When we get to the monastery, Flayn and Mercedes can heal you better" she added.

Dimitri was silent for a moment then stood up, "Let's go" he said then turned back to the horse.

Byleth watched him for a moment then sighed, she wished Dimitri wouldn't try to carry the weight alone. She recalls him doing this shortly after Edelgard was unveiled to be the Flame Emperor all those years ago, and to see him fall back into that...

Or maybe he never really ended it. And she was just being fooled all along.

Oh Dimitri...

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