Father Dearest:

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Two almost three weeks had passed since Grandmother Rhea told Byleth she would be meeting her Father.

As the time passed on, it fell from her mind until Uncle Seteth came for her during her sword practice with Cassandra Charon one afternoon.

"Where are we going?" Byleth asked as she followed beside her Uncle.

Seteth's brisk pace never faltered, "You'll see when we get there" he replied, Byleth groaned.

The two walked swiftly through the monastery ignoring the citizens and nobles that tried to pry their attention away from wherever it was they were heading. But Seteth ignored them.

Byleth found it rather unusual behavior for him and began to worry if maybe something serious had happened. Her mind was wandering, maybe there was an attack, and something happened to Grandmother. Oh goddess no. Byleth wasn't ready to handle the responsibility of running a church. She could hardly handle the responsibilities she has now.

She failed to notice when Seteth came to a stop and crashed into him.

Seteth turned around and looked down at Byleth shaking his head slightly, "Byleth, please do pay more attention" he sighed.

Byleth nodded her head and walked a bit in front of him.

Uncle Seteth had led her to the entrance of the monastery, then it clicked. Her Father, and her possible new friends.

Byleth looked back briefly at Seteth, he had a tense smile on his face as they stood there waiting.

She hummed a tune that Grandmother had sung to her before as they waited, it wasn't long before in the distance she could make out what looked to be someone on a horse.


That didn't make sense.

It was supposed to be multiple people, not one!

Where are the children?

Byleth tried to subdue her disappointment as the lone person riding on the horse grew closer to them, until finally he was a few feet away.

The man is tall and rugged looking, he has dirty blond hair that is trimmed in a weird way. Byleth narrows her eyes at the man.

Is... Is this her Father? She looks back at Seteth for any hints, but his attention was elsewhere.

Byleth sighed and looked back towards the man, he was staring at her as well.

After a few moments of staring he finally walked forward to her, Byleth held her breath. She didn't know who this would play out, what if he thought she was weird and decided he never wanted to see her again.

"Byleth" The man said softly as he stood in front of her.

Breath, she reminded herself. Byleth nodded her head, "Yes I am Byleth" she said "I presume that you are my Father?" she asked.

The man nodded, "I am" he said and paused for a moment "Has Lady Rhea told you anything about me?" he asked.

Byleth shakes her head, "No" she said bluntly "I didn't even know I had a Father until Grandmother said that you were coming to the monastery" she added.

The man looked sad by her words, oh no. Now she has done it. He's going to run away like all of the kids at the monastery.

The man however does not run away as Byleth had suspected he would, instead he bows to her awkwardly. "I guess I should introduce myself then" the man said, "I am Jeralt Reus Eisner" Jeralt said "I am also captain of the Knights of Seiros" he added.

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