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"Are you certain?" Byleth asked in a low voice, it didn't make sense. "I'm surprised that the Empire is taking such quick initiative" she added then shook her head "But to think she'd begin marching her troops to us..." she trailed off.

Dimitri scoffed, "Don't bother trying to understand that wrench" he spat "It's a waste of time" he concluded.

Gilbert sighed and shook his head at the Prince, "Your Highness, please be civil" he murmured "In any case, we should meet them head on with our own forces in Imperial soil" he said.

Byleth nodded, that made sense. "Do you have a location in mind?" she asked.

"Yes... I do" Gilbert said, he shared an uneasy look with Rodrigue. Byleth already had a bad feeling.

Rodrigue cleared his throat, "It would be at Gronder field" he said then paused for a moment "I know that being there may recall memories for you all" he said "But we must move forward" he concluded.

"Agreed" Dimitri said coolly "All that matters is that Edelgard's head is on a pike by the end of the battle" he declared.

The room fell silent, "Your Highness..." Mercedes called out "Does it truly not bother you that we will be killing our former classmates?" she asked softly.

A frown fell over Dimitri's face, "No. Not in the slightest" he replied.

Felix slammed his palm down on the table, "I hope you know if we die at Gronder it will have been your fault" he said sternly.

"Felix that's enough" Rodrigue scolded then shook his head, "After the battle at the Great Bridge of Myrddin, I think we should ask Claude for his assistance again" he began "We have received word that the Alliance is going to be moving out to Gronder to fight them as well" he added.

Dimitri was silent for a moment, then nodded his head "Fine" he muttered "So long as Edelgard dies I don't care" he declared.

Rodrigue nodded then looked at her, "What do you think, Lady Byleth?" he asked.

"I think we can trust Claude" she replied "They came to our aid at the Great Bridge of Myrddin, it only makes sense for our forces to work together to topple the Empire once and for all" she declared.

A small smile fell over Rodrigue's face, "Excellent, I'm glad we are all in agreement" he said, "I think that is all for today" he added and stood up from the table "Gilbert, Seteth, and I will prepare the letter to Claude, the rest of you start making preparations to leave" he began "We should be leaving when we receive a reply from the Alliance" he concluded.


The sooner they end this war the better.

But... Would they find Grandmother during that battle? Probably not, then again, they also don't even know if the Empire has her.

And if they did, she doubted they would take a hostage with them during a battle.

Byleth stood up from her seat and left from the Cardinal's room and headed to the stairs that led to the third floor.

"Lady Byleth''. She recognized it to be Dedue and turned to face him.

"Yes?" she replied.

The Duscurian man bowed slightly, "I must implore that you speak with His Highness" he began "I understand there are things that were said, but I believe His Highness wishes to speak with you" he said.

Byleth sighed, "Dedue... Dimitri and I only fight when we speak" she murmured "We can't even go into battle without arguing with one another" she said then shook her head "It's a bad idea" she concluded.

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