The White Heron Cup:

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The Ethereal moon was passing by quickly. The White Heron Cup was just around the corner. The dancing lessons that Byleth held with the Prince seemed to be paying off exponentially, when they did the joint dance practice with the other classes, she was able to see how the others fared. It was safe to say that Dimitri would be able to beat the Golden Deer, but... The Black Eagles they... Were another matter.

Edelgard held the poise and grace befitting of a Princess as she danced. This might prove to be more difficult than she initially thought, but... Dimitri danced quite well himself.

He just had to do his best once the time for the competition finally came.

His Highness should have no trouble he was charismatic and held a certain air of authority as he led her in a dance, she was certain he would be able to do this-

"Lady Byleth!".

She jumped slightly at the sudden intrusion then looked over to her caller, "Ah, Ferdinand Von Aegir" she said "To what do I owe the honor of this visit?" she hummed.

Ferdinand smiled at her, "I wished to speak with you about something" he replied.

Byleth tilted her head in confusion, "Is that so" she said "In any case what was it about?" she asked.

The Ginger is silent for a moment, "I think the Blue Lions House would be better suited for me" Ferdinand began "I- I know I should probably stay within the Black Eagles, so many have already left... But I still wish to join" he declared.

She wasn't expecting that.

Byleth was silent for a moment, "Are you certain?" she asked "The Imperial Princess might not be so forgiving" she added.

Ferdinand nodded his head, "Yes, I have thought it over for a while now" he began "I wish to transfer to the Blue Lions" he concluded.

"I see" Byleth murmured, "In that case welcome to the Blue Lions" she hummed.

A smile fell over his face, "Thank you Lady Byleth" he said and bowed slightly "I look forward to learning under your guide" he added and began to turn around but stopped in his tracks, "Ah, Your Highness I didn't see you there" he called out.

Byleth looked up and sure enough there he was standing at the doorway of the training grounds, his face was a shade of red as though he'd just been caught doing something bad. Wait. Was he watching them?

"My apologies" Dimitri murmured then walked over to Byleth, "So... You have decided to join the Blue Lions?" he asked. So, he did hear.

Ferdinand nodded, "Yes, the Black Eagles house... I just think the Blue Lions would be a better fit" he concluded.

Dimitri was silent for a moment, "Hm, I see" he murmured, then bowed slightly "Welcome to the Blue Lions then" he added.

Ferdinand smiled and nodded, "Thank you your Highness" he said then turned and left from the training grounds.

"You were eavesdropping" Byleth hummed then looked at the Prince.

Dimitri hung his head slightly, "I was" he confirmed.

Byleth chuckled slightly, "What was it you told me..." she mussed "If you were there you should have made your presence known?" she added.

Dimitri turned a deep shade of red, "Ah, yes I suppose I have contradicted myself hm?" he murmured "In any case I apologies, if I brought you any discomfort" he concluded.

Discomfort? She shook her head, "Dimitri, I was just teasing you" she replied "It's fine, any how did you need me for something?" she asked.

"Ah, actually I came to see if we could practice for the Heron cup today, after seeing Claude and Edelgard's dancing skills the other day I am feeling less confident about our victory" Dimitri replied.

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