The Missing Cardinal:

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Byleth looked up, they were far, far, far below Garreg Mach. She had lived there her whole life, and not once did she ever imagine that this is what was underneath them.

"We are beneath the bridge at the Monastery, aren't we?" Dimitri asked in awe "Incredible...".

Claude chuckled "It's odd looking up at the bridge we've crossed thousands of times from so far down below" he remarked.

Yuri nodded, "Constance... How sure are you that this is the right place?" he asked.

Constance was silent for a moment, "I... Certainly, hope so" she called out.

"Constance, why are you lurking in the shade?" Edelgard questioned "You were the one who insisted that we find the Chalice" she added.

Byleth turned to look at her and sure enough Constance was a good distance away from them, hiding in the shade.

Constance frowned, "Fine!" she shouted "If you insist that I join you then I shall. Satisfied?!" she yelled and walked over to them. Her demeanor immediately shifted. Her shoulders slumped and her gaze was at the floor, "Oh my" Constance began "I apologize for how rude I was just now" she said solemnly "I am not fit to stand beside such noble paragons. I shall dig myself a hole and bury myself in it".

Balthus shook his head, "Sunlight is still sunlight, no matter how deep we are... Poor Constance" he sighed

Byleth frowned, "What's going on?... She's not her usual self" she said.

Hapi looked at her, "This is why Coco lives underground" she began "When she goes into the sun this happens.

"There is no way to guarantee that this is the Chasm of the bound" Constance said quietly "I have most certainly wasted our time".

Dimitri's eyebrows were furrowed with concern, "I have never seen anything like this" he began "Is there any way that we could help?" he asked

Balthus shook his head, "We just have to keep her moving" he replied "Hapi you keep-"

"On it" Hapi said, cutting him off, she proceeded to try pushing Constance.

"I must ask that you cease that" Constance began "You shall soil your hands with my filth... Hm?" she said quietly "I sense... Magic in the air. Perhaps a binding spell...".

Linhardt frowned and looked around, "I don't feel anything" he murmured then paused for a moment "But... I hear something... And it sounds big" he added.

And right on cue there was a loud sound... It Kind of sounded like metal shifting.

"There must be something guarding the Chalice," Edelgard called out.

"Uhh, guys" Claude said in a loud voice "Does anyone else see that gigantic toy?" he asked, Byleth turned and sure enough there was a gigantic mechanical... Thing? She supposed it did look like a toy.

Yuri frowned, "This doesn't bode well with me" he sighed.

Balthus chuckled, "I can't wait to pummel that thing!" he exclaimed.

Byleth sighed, "I don't think that is something you can just punch to death Balthus" she said.

"Hey, don't knock it till you try it" Balthus rebutted.

Yuri shook his head, "Well, if we want the Chalice you all better prepare to fight" he sighed.


Byleth was exhausted.

Those machine things and those phantom soldiers were tougher than she thought they would be. She was even forced to use Divine Pulse a few times and that especially drained her. But the image of Constance falling from the sky off her Pegasus... Her screams as she fell and hit the floor. or Linhardt's cries as he was being repeatedly slashed at with and axe by a Brigand... Those images would haunt her.

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