A Sudden Realization:

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Grandmother sat across from Byleth in silence. They were having tea in the Archbishops quarters, Byleth understood why... In case things got a bit out of hand.

A couple of minutes of silence, Byleth noticed there was a letter on the table that Grandmother had her hand on.

"How was Faerghus dear?" Rhea finally asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.

Byleth sighed, "It was alright" she murmured "It was cold, but that is to be expected" she added.

Grandmother nodded, "Yes... Faerghus has always been a cold place" she replied then fell silent again.

Goddess, the tension was killing her. "Grandmother... Please let's just get this conversation over with" Byleth sighed.

Rhea's face softened, "Yes, you're right" she said then began to unfold the letter "I received this from Faerghus" she began "As you know His Highness is coming of age in the Ethereal Moon" she said "Current King Regent Rufus Blaiddyd has sent an official request for your answer Byleth you have until the school year ends to officially respond" she concluded.

What was that four, maybe five more moons?

Byleth nodded her head, "I see" she murmured "And you spoke with His Highness about this already... Didn't you?" she asked quietly.

Grandmother nodded, "Yes... We discussed it briefly before you left for your mission in Fraldarius territory" she confirmed.

She sighed and messed with the tablecloth "And what did he say?" she asked.

Her stomach felt in knots over it.

Grandmother was silent for a moment, "He didn't say anything that indicated displeasure over the matter if that is what you are concerned about" she replied "He seemed more concerned by how you would react to being cornered by the proposal" she added.

"Oh" Byleth sighed "How long has he known?" she questioned.

Grandmother hummed lightly, "I would say all his life Byleth" she said "I'm a bit surprised that you haven't talked with him on this matter in all honesty" she sighed "I thought that you both may have discussed this before" she added.

Byleth frowned, yeah... Right.

"No... We haven't" Byleth replied.

Grandmother was silent for a moment, "I see" she murmured "Dear... You probably should speak with him. He is going to be your Husband after all" she added.

Byleth frowned, "That's if I accept" she said sternly "What makes you so confident that I will".

Grandmother took a slow sip of her tea, "You intend to refuse?" she questioned, "You have the right to Byleth... But think it over carefully marrying the Prince is beneficial to both you and him" she began "We are able to help Faerghus financially so that it's people won't suffer, and Faerghus offers protection to you against those who wish to harm you" she concluded.

Byleth was silent, she knew the pros and cons of marrying Dimitri at the top of her head... But did she really wish to marry for politics?

"I know Grandmother" Byleth finally replied "I... I just don't know yet" she murmured "I am young, and Dimitri is younger. I'll have an answer soon" she sighed and shook her head.

Rhea nodded her head, "I know dear... I hope your heart guides you well" she said softly.

Byleth nodded then stood up from the table and left the room.

What the hell was she going to do?

She wandered the Monastery halls aimlessly. She'd lived here her whole life... Would she really have to leave it? Can she even be an Archbishop for the Church of Seiros if she becomes the Queen of Faerghus? It seems like too much power for one individual to have.

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