Fort Merceus:

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It was a nice change of pace in Derdriu, but it couldn't last forever.

The following morning after their celebration Claude left from Fodlan, no one is quite certain where... But Byleth thinks she may have a hunch. 

In any case it doesn't matter.

There was one thing though... Before Claude left... He imparted knowledge onto them. 

The whereabouts of Lady Rhea.

Grandmother... Was still alive. 

It turned out that Uncle's guess of her being taken hostage by the Empire was correct. 

How Claude came to know that will forever be a mystery to Byleth, but she is grateful to him for it nonetheless. Soon after they returned back to the monastery they had begun to plan their assault on the Empire.

Or... Well, they were trying to.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows at Dimitri, "Are you certain that it isn't best to just avoid Fort Merceus?" she questioned "If my memory serves correctly there is a good reason for it being referred to as the impregnable Fortress" she added.

Dimitri nodded, "Yes that is true, but it is necessary that we take it" he began "It will give us a good footing in the Empire to take over such a fortress" he concluded.

That was true... But it didn't change the fact that doing so would be highly improbable.

Byleth sighed, "I see... Do you have a plan for us getting into the Fortress?" she asked.

Dimitri opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Gilbert, "Yes, Shamir and I have been getting a hold of Empire uniforms so we can make it seem as though we are their soldiers" the older Knight called out.

Dimitri nodded his head in agreement, "Yes, that and we were going to have our own army attack the fake Empire soldiers, so they come out and aid their comrades" he added.

"Ah, I see... So, we are going to trick them into letting us in" Byleth murmured "I'm surprised you came up with this Dimitri" she hummed "It sounds more like a plan Claude would create" she added.

Dimitri chuckled, "Drastic times call for drastic measures, my Beloved" he said, red crept in his cheeks and he coughed awkwardly then looked to the rest of their allies "In any case we have a plan, so worry not" he began "For the time being be ready, we'll try to move out once we know more about the forces holding the fortress" he concluded.

"Yes, we'll hold another meeting once our scouts return" Gilbert called out "We'll end things here but be ready to leave at a moment's notice" he added, and everyone began filtering out of the room slowly.

"Hm, you celebrate one evening with Claude and now I have to worry about you being a schemer" Byleth sighed and shook her head.

Dimitri hummed softly and grabbed her hand "It's necessary".

She knew that. Dimitri wasn't one to sneak around unless absolutely necessary, he would rather fight someone head on with equal footing, but... The Emperor did not share that sentiment.

Edelgard would be willing to do whatever it takes to win the war.


The Death Knight.

Byleth was not anticipating that he would be the one to hold Fort Merceus.

In all honesty she had forgotten he had even existed.

The last time they fought one another it had been at the battle of Garreg Mach and she had been victorious against him.

But it has been five years. And he has served as a general under Edelgard this whole time no doubt.

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