What's Gone is Gone:

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Morale was low following the death of Lord Rodrigue.

Byleth couldn't blame them, Rodrigue had practically been holding the whole army together.

And now...

She sighed. Things were certainly going to be harder from here on out. But they needed to move forward, especially if they were going to defeat the Empire.

She stared out the window beside her desk.

It was raining.


Byleth stood up and left from her room, he'll be in the cathedral no doubt. That's the last place he should be in this weather. And honestly... He shouldn't be alone right now... After witnessing Rodrigues death.

The gaping hole in the Cathedral let all of the rain into the den of worship. Byleth had been relieved not to see Dimitri in there but that quickly disappeared, and fear took hold of her instead.

If he wasn't in here, then where was he?

Dimitri... He wouldn't try to sneak to the Empire... Right?

Byleth stood there in silence for a moment, the uneasy feeling grew and next thing she knew she was running to the stables.

And sure, enough she saw her golden-haired Prince opening the doors to the stables.

"Dimitri" Byleth shouted so the rain wouldn't drown out her voice.

He froze in that spot.

It felt like hours had passed before Dimitri turned and faced her with his arms crossed, "What do you want?" he questioned.

What did she want? For him not to get killed on some ego trip that lets him believe that he alone can take on the Empire. "You'll die if you leave Dimitri," Byleth said sternly.

"I won't die until Edelgard's head-"

"Is on a pike" Byleth cut him off "Yes I know" she sighed and shook her head, "Dimitri, you can die, I can die. We all can die" she declared "It's a matter of holding off our deaths, if you leave Edelgard will defeat you and kill you" she said sternly and fell silent for a moment, "I know you wish to avenge the fallen Dimitri... But do you really think this will appease the dead?".

Dimitri frowned down at her, "Silence you have no idea what you are talking about" he spat.

Byleth held his gaze, "Then explain it to me Dimitri, because your right I don't understand" she began "I don't understand how you could just disregard your own life in such a way" she said in a stern tone "Do you honestly believe that this is what King Lambert wanted for you? Or what Glenn and Rodrigue want?" she questioned.

Dimitri's lone eye widened in shock at her words, "Hatred. Regret. Those burdens fall on the shoulders of those who are left behind. No matter how much lingering regret a person has, after death, they are powerless. They cannot even wish for revenge, much less seek it out" he declared and fell silent for a moment "And so, I must continue down this path! I already told you as much! It is far too late to stop" he yelled.

Dimitri is a large man, but at that moment he looked so small. Byleth sighed and shook her head, "You're wrong" she said softly "Dimitri... You have to let go".

He scoffed at her, "Don't waste your breath with that nonsense" he spat and shook his head "The dead... They will not lose their grip on me so easily" he declared. Dimitri fell silent for a couple of minutes "But you seem to have all the answers... So, tell me Byleth'' he began "How... How do I silence their pleas... How do I save them?" he whispered "For nine years... I have only lived to avenge the fallen. Everything I have ever done was so that I may secure my vengeance. It is the only thing that kept me alive... My only reason to keep moving forward" he said softly.

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