A Fateful Encounter:

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Byleth stood behind her Father, obscured from their sight. She recognized two of them immediately. Claude Von Riegan and... Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd.

Both were dressed in the house leaders' uniform for their respective class, as was the third person with them.


Byleth knew her.

Albeit not personally but she knew her by name, Edelgard Von Hresvelg, heir apparent to the Empire.

"Captain Jeralt!" Dimitri called out as he spoke to her Father "Will you please assist us, we were split from the others and chased by bandits" he said.

And right on cue another soldier came up to them, "Captain Jeralt, the town's surrounded by bandits" he reported.

Jeralt sighed and rubbed his head, "Alright, you and the other knights go and start dealing with them" he commanded "You three with me" he said and turned around to Byleth "Yesh Kid, make your presence known" he scolded. "You lead these three into battle and I'll be your back up" he commanded "Got it?".

Byleth nodded, "Understood" she replied and turned to the three staring at her, "Come on, let's not waste time" she said and began guiding them through the town till they reached a wooded area.

The woman with white hair was the first to speak, Byleth was thankful that Claude and Dimitri had been quiet thus far.

"You have a strange aura about you..." she murmured "Are you a mercenary?" she questioned.

Claude chuckles from behind her, and the woman frowns "What's so funny?" she questions.

"Oh, you'll see," Claude said.

"Enough Claude, focus on the battle" Dimitri scolds.

The four of them hide in a wooded area and soon enough they see the bandits.

"What's our game plan?" Claude asked and looked to Byleth.

Byleth was quiet a moment "Stay together" she replied "We'll fight together to win" she added.

Claude nodded, "Alright, lead the way" he said.

Byleth drew closer to them and got their attention and once in distance Claude fired at them and Dimitri jumped forward to help her defeat them.

"Thank you for your assistance," Dimitri began.

"Now isn't the time" Byleth scolded, and the Prince nodded.

"Right... Sorry" Dimitri murmured.

There weren't as many bandits as Byleth anticipated that there would be and eventually they came face to face with their leader.

He was a loud obnoxious man that had been plaguing the area for a couple moons now. Somehow always managing to evade the Knights of Seiros.

But now...

He will perish.

"Hey, you with the blank stare" he calls out, looking directly at Byleth "Prepare to die!" he shouts and lunges forward with his axe.

Byleth manages to dodge it in just the nick of time, then slashed him with her blade.

The bandit leader staggers back a bit and then Dimitri rushed forward and hit him with his lance and the bandit leader fell to the floor.

Byleth had assumed he had died.

Edelgard was a few feet away from them, and it all happened in an instance. The bandit leader leapt up and began to lunge at Edelgard.

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