The Lance of Ruins:

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Their march to Conand tower took roughly a day, almost two of travel, it bordered between Galatea and Fraldarius territory. It wasn't as cold as the northern parts of Faerghus like Blaiddyd or Gautier territory, but it was still chilly. and it didn't help that the mud clung to as they made their way. Her students that were born and raised in Faerghus didn't seem to give it much of a thought. However, her students from the Adrestrian Empire seemed to have difficulty with it, although bless their souls they really were toughing it out.

They walked in silence for a couple of hours, "It should be within our sights soon Byleth" Dimitri murmured as they walked. He looked ahead at the trail "Conand Tower" he sighed and shook his head.

"It was the site of a massive battle when invasions from Sreng were at its peak, several hundreds of years ago" Gilbert butted in "It will be difficult to seize" he added with a sigh.

Dimitri crossed his arms, "Your very well-informed Gilbert" he began "Please tell us more".

There was something about how Dimitri said it that made her think that was far from what he really wanted.

"Ah... You're joking" Gilbert replies.

Dimitri sighed, "Byleth, did you see the villages we passed" he asked.

Byleth nodded, "Yes... They looked to be in rough condition" she responded.

"Yes, they are in rough shape" Dimitri agreed "They won't be able to make it through winter in that condition" he sighed and paused for a moment "Had they taken up pillaging to survive I would understand" he began "But this... It is something else entirely. It looks as though they destroyed those villages purely for pleasure" he said sternly "That behavior is unacceptable" he declared.

How could Miklan do such a thing? These weren't people with crests... They were peasants who were already struggling, and he destroyed what little they had.

"Don't bother losing your head after those lowlifes, Your Highness" Sylvain said sternly "It's wasted effort".

Dimitri's eyebrows furrowed, "Sylvain... Your Brother he's the leader of the thieves, I know he was disowned but-".

"He's no longer my Brother" Sylvain declared "He's nothing more than a common thief now" he added.

"Sylvain..." Byleth said softly.

He shook his head, "Ah come on Byleth, don't look at me like that I'll be fine" Sylvain said as he shook his head then chuckled "Heh, maybe you should do what I told you the other day if your concerned, give him a sight before we... Kill him" he said quietly.

Dimitri looked concerned, "Sylvain, are you sure? It would be understandable if you find the situation to be regrettable at the least" he said.

Sylvain frowned, "Regrets... Heh, we're past the point of regrets, Your Highness" he sighed and shook his head "It always falls on the younger Brother to clean up the mistakes of their elders, doesn't it" he said then took off ahead of them.

Poor Sylvain.

Dimitri watched Sylvain for a moment then shook his head, "It looks like it's going to rain soon" he sighed "We should hurry before the heaven begins to pour" he concluded.


They climbed up the tower, so far, they had been lucky and had yet to run into any bandits. But the further they went the more she realized that they may be walking into a trap. There is no doubt that Miklan knows that they are there.

Conand tower... It was dark and drab, but it bet being out in the rain. Although... That didn't sound so bad in comparison now that she thought about it.

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