Charon Estate:

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Byleth hated Faerghus weather, she knew it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it was still cold. Or maybe she's just not used to it after five years...

It was still a bit confusing, so much has changed. But it doesn't feel as though any time passed for her, one moment she was tumbling off a cliff and the next she knew she was in a river.

Honestly, it still didn't feel real. A part of her was hoping that this was just one sick prank but as they continued traveling that seemed less and less likely.

Plus, why put in that much effort just to mess with her.

But still... Five years.

It was clear that a lot had changed for her Black Eagles students, she can only imagine how her original Blue Lions are. Or how Dimitri is.

Goddess she was terrified to see Dimitri again, not because she feared him, but... What if he didn't want to see her again after disappearing for so long. He's had to have moved on by now, the thought of that left a bitter taste in her mouth. If he did, he obviously had the right to... She was gone for five years, it was understandable... But it didn't make it sting any less.

Dimitri... Her Dimitri... No, but Caspar said he was focused purely on one thing during the past five years, Edelgard.

Byleth sighed, she was worried about the state he would be in. Before they left from the monastery, he was despondent enough already.

"Lady Byleth?" Bernadetta called out from beside her, "Are you alright?" she asked softly.

She nodded, "Yes, I'm just thinking is all" she murmured "I just can't believe that so much time has already passed" she sighed "You all have changed so much, I feel a bit confused over it" she added.

Bernadetta nodded her head, "I'm sorry" she began "I'll help you get caught up on things if you'd like but overall, with the war not much has happened, they've been at a standstill" she concluded.

Byleth chuckled softly, "Thank you Bernadetta I appreciate it" she hummed and looked around "We should be reaching Charon Estate soon enough" she added.

"Good," Linhardt butted in, "We've been traveling for far too long," he added.

Ferdinand sighed then shook his head at the mage, "Linhardt we have only been traveling for a couple of hours at the max, we must really work on your stamina" he said.

"Agreed!" Caspar shouted, "Then Lin can finally spar with us!" he concluded.

A grimace fell over Linhardt's face, "I think not" he sighed.

Caspar groaned, "Whatever" he murmured then paused for a moment, "Do you think our former classmates will be in the Capital?" he asked "Then I can spar against Felix again he was pretty good" he remarked.

"I think Felix would fight you for only saying he was pretty good" Byleth hummed "But they should be there, if not they are close to the Capital so it's not that far to go and see them" she said then pointed off ahead of them, "There it is Charon Estate" she added.

Truthfully, Byleth was nervous. She had no clue how things would go, but she trusts Count Charon.


The maid eyed them suspiciously as she led them into the parlor room of Charon Estate to wait for the Count.

A couple of minutes passed before the doors to the parlor swung open and the Count Charon walked in, "Lady Byleth!?" he said in shock "It truly is you" he added.

Byleth stood up from the chair and bowed slightly to him, "It is" she confirmed "It has been some time hasn't it" she hummed.

The Charon chuckled "It has" he murmured then looked to Byleth's allies "You are all welcomed to explore, I have maids making up rooms for you as we speak, they should be done soon, for the meantime you are welcomed to our kitchens" he said then looked to Byleth "I wish to speak with you privately" he added.

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