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Byleth had low hopes going into their meeting with Edelgard, but... There was still a small sliver in her mind that believed that maybe... They could end this before they got to Enbarr, but that isn't going to happen.

Dimitri was quiet and sullen as they rode back to the others.

Gilbert and Uncle were waiting at the front of their men for them. Gilbert's eyes widened and opened his mouth to say something and Byleth shook her head at him. An understanding look fell over his face, "We'll just have to conquer Enbarr then" he called out.

Dimitri dismounted from his steed and nodded, "Yes, there is no other way" he said then walked past him and stood before their army "Today is the day this long five-year war comes to an end" he began "The Empire... Is a mighty foe, you must be prepared for anything" he said then paused for a moment "Everyone do your best and be safe" he declared then rose his lance and pointed it at the gates that led to the outskirts of Enbarr "Everyone... Move out!" he shouted and led them through the gates of Enbarr.

It's time.

The Adrestrian Empire's capital, there are no guards or soldiers holding the gates so they are able to enter the city with ease, but Byleth knows this will not last.

As they pass through the residential areas, Byleth notices faces peeking through windows, "Dimitri..." She calls out and stops in her tracks ''I don't think the city was evacuated".

The Prince's eye widened, and a troubled look falls over his face, "We cannot go back" he muttered "Only attack soldiers and try to keep destruction of property to a minimum" he declared "There will be no pillaging or needless destruction" he shouted then looked back to Byleth a deep frown had set into his face. "I... I Can't believe she didn't let the citizens evacuate, to use them as a shield" he huffed "After all she said on how I don't understand how they think" he muttered then shook his head, "Byleth... Be careful" Dimitri said softly then reached for her hand that wasn't carrying her blade and squeezed it lightly.

She smiled up at him, "Of course, I just ask that you do the same" Byleth replied.

Dimitri nodded, "I will, my beloved" he said then released her hand and readied his lance, "Let's go then" he concluded then guided her deeper into the city.

It wasn't long before they came across Imperial soldiers and those suspicious looking mages. They were tough but they were no match.

It was going smoothly.

And then-

A loud roar rang through the air, it almost distracted Byleth from the fight she was in. Fortunately, the Brigand was the one who faltered in their attack and she quickly took advantage of that and they fell to the floor.

Byleth swiftly turned to where the roar had come from, a winged Demonic Beast.


Dimitri was already lunging at the beast and assisting some of their allies that had begun attacking it.

Byleth ran to them and helped, and soon enough the beast let out a loud cry and crashed to the ground.

She... How could she do this?

"There are more coming from the west of the city" Felix grunted out and pointed with his blade in the area "You and Byleth lead the army through the central part" he began "Bernadetta and Ashe, I need them with me, and we'll guide some of the soldiers through that part" he concluded.

Dimitri nodded, "Good plan, stay safe my Friend" he replied.

Felix frowned, "Tsk, whatever Dimitri" he muttered and led Ashe, Bernadetta, and some of their men to the western part of the city.

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