The Execution of Christophe Gaspard:

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Byleth quickly packed for her travels, she would finally wear her church of Seiros armor. She had been excited for it but now... She didn't feel as good putting it on as she thought she would have.

Once she was finally finished Byleth arrived at the stables where a few of the knights were waiting for her, it consisted of her Father, Alois, Catherine, and Shamir.

Catherine... Would she be ok for this mission?

"Byleth" Grandmother's voice called out from behind her, "I came to see you off" she said and paused a moment "This is also for you" she added and gave Byleth a folded piece of parchment paper.

"What is this?" Byleth tilted her head and looked to Lady Rhea.

Rhea was silent for a moment, "That is what you will recite to Christophe before he is detained" she said.

Byleth stood there for a moment she considered crumpling it but... The thought of Glenn and the King lying dead amongst Kingdom soldiers flooded her mind.

Christophe had a part in their murder.

She cannot ignore that.

"I understand" Byleth finally said and put the paper in her satchel.

Grandmother smiled, "Good" she said "May the goddess give you a safe voyage" she said.

Byleth took this as her que to leave.

"You alright there kid?" Jeralt called out as Byleth approached them.

She nodded, "Yes, of course" Byleth said "Let's get going" she said and headed over to the horses.

Byleth was glad that it was just a group of those that she had known that were knights, but then again it made sense that Grandmother requested those who would not hesitate to protect her should things turn bad.

Would things go bad?

What would happen if Christophe refused?

Grandmother hadn't said anything on any sort of protocol, but then again... Byleth's Father would be here, and he knew what to do.

She was certain of it.


The sky was gray and cloudy, the crisp air of Faerghus stung at them as they made their way to Castle Gaspard.

Byleth couldn't help but feel that this was wrong.

She wanted justice for Glenn and the King but... At the cost of Christophe's life?

The closer they got to the Castle the more doubt about the mission she began to have. How do they know for certain he was involved?

Catherine walked beside Byleth in silence.

They were getting close to their final destination, and once they reached there...

Guilt pooled in Byleth's stomach.

How could Grandmother do this?

The night before Byleth had read over the note from Grandmother with what she must recite to Christophe. In her tent she practiced it "Christophe Gaspard you have been found guilty of regicide. For your crimes against the crown and the goddess you shall pay with your life. May the goddess have mercy on your soul".

Her voice hitched on every vowel... How can she do this?

Christophe is only a little older than she is surely this must be a mistake?

But... King Regent Rufus Blaiddyd and Grandmother don't seem to think so.

And for that reason, Christophe must die...

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