Changing Times:

551 19 3

Byleth feared her days with her friends were numbered.

Grandmother had received a letter from the King that he would be returning to the monastery immediately. 

In all honesty it confused Byleth why they were returning, they had yet to complete their goal in Sreng. Grandmother had said something about the King needing to take care of more important things in Fhirdiad.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows, "What does that mean?" she asked.

Grandmother sighed, "Oh dear Byleth, there are things more important than fighting" she said.

"I know that!" Byleth said defensively "But why does the King need to return to Fhirdiad so soon?" she asked.

Lady Rhea was quiet for a moment, "There is an illness that is rampant in Faerghus right now" she said.

"A plague!?" Byleth questioned.

Rhea nodded, "Yes my dear" she said.

Byleth frowned, "Should we be worried?" she asked.

Grandmother shook her head, "No, so far it has only been plaguing Faerghus no other nation has gotten it" she added.

"But what if the King gets sick?" Byleth questioned.

"He won't" Rhea replied "There are precautions that are implemented to ensure the wellbeing of the royal family" she added.

Byleth furrowed her eyebrows, "Why not just have that in place for all of Faerghus?" she asked.

Rhea chuckled, "That's not possible dear" she said softly.

That didn't make sense... But she knew arguing about it wouldn't change it, Byleth nodded her head "I see" she sighed "So that means Glenn and Sylvain will be leaving soon, right?" she asked.

Grandmother nodded, "Yes, they will," she said.

Her friends...

Byleth looked to the floor, she had known it would be temporary but... She had to admit a part of her had hoped that this day would never come. Maybe she could hide them so their parents couldn't... She sighed. That won't work. 

They're nobility, she can't just hide them here. Byleth looked back up to her grandmother and nodded, "Alright..." she murmured.

The concern on her grandmother's face was apparent, "Dear you will have Seteth's younger sister with you by that time" she reminded "You won't be alone" she added.


She would at least have one person to be with, and Cassandra was still here as well. Although it wouldn't be for that much longer.

A sense of dread filled Byleth, she would be alone once again. Seteth's sister was family; it hardly counted as a friend in her opinion.

Byleth nodded her head, "I know" she said.

Rhea smiled, "Good! Now you may go" she said excusing Byleth.

She quickly left. Byleth was going to go with Glenn and Sylvain, but...

They're just going to leave her.

What's the point?

Byleth winds up at the Library, she has work she needs to do. Uncle Seteth will be disappointed in her if she gets behind on her studies. She has already been distracted enough as it is, she has to rectify her mistake.

In the distance Byleth can see a couple of the monastery orphans running around with one another, they keep their distance.

She didn't want to play their stupid game either way.

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