Impending Danger:

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"Get up!" Sothis shouted in a shrill voice.

Byleth rolled over in her bed and wrapped herself in the sheets, "No" she murmured.

Sothis groaned, "Now! We have things to do today!" she said sternly.

Dammit. She was right, but... Byleth sighed and sat up, "I hate you Sothis" she mumbled.

The girl chuckled, "Yeah, yeah now get up" she commanded.

Byleth reluctantly compiled and got dressed. Once finished she left for the training grounds, "Byleth!".

She recognized her caller as Flayn and so she turned to face her, "Yes?" Byleth replied.

"Lady Rhea wished to speak with you" Flayn hummed "It seemed important" she added.

Byleth nodded, "Alright, I'll go see her at once. Thank you Flayn" she said then turned in her tracks and headed to the Archbishops audience chambers.

Grandmother and Uncle Seteth were both there waiting in the center of the room.

"Ah! Sweet Child" Grandmother beamed "I am glad you have come" she began "I have a lot to tell you but first congratulations on winning the Battle of the Eagle and Lion".

Uncle nodded his head in agreement, "Indeed" he said, "You led them well Byleth" he added then paused for a moment "Which is why it pains me to assign you such a mission during such a joyous time" he sighed and shook his head.

Byleth looked to Grandmother, her eyebrows were furrowed. Whatever it was it didn't seem good. "Has something happened?" she questioned.

Grandmother sighed, "Do you recall earlier in the year when you went to investigate Remire village?" she questioned.

Byleth nodded, how could she forget it. She had left to investigate suspicious mages in the area. "Yes, I recall" she murmured "Have those mages returned?" she asked.

Uncle Seteth shook his head, "Not exactly" he sighed "There have been... Abnormal occurrences there" he said quietly.

Abnormal occurrences? "What kind?" Byleth questioned.

Silence fell over the room for a moment, "We don't have all the details yet Byleth" Grandmother sighed "But we have been informed that the villagers... Have been acting strangely".

Byleth frowned, "Strange?" she repeated "How so?" she asked.

Uncle sighed and shook his head, "We don't have that information yet" he replied "Shamir should be returning soon enough with more information" he added.

Byleth nodded her head, so she'll just have to find out when Shamir returns "I see" she murmured.

Grandmother looked tensed, "I pray that this is not a bad omen" she sighed then looked to Byleth "I have requested that Captain Jeralt return to the Monastery, later in the moon when it is time for your mission, he will accompany your class alongside the knights" she added.

Her Father? Byleth's eyes widened. It had been some time since they were put on the same mission, it's a bit ironic that it is to Remire Village as well... Maybe if they had done a better job the first time than...

No, there was no use thinking that kind of thing.

They did everything they could the first time they were there, who knows. Perhaps these incidents are unrelated...

"Thank you, Grandmother," Byleth finally responded.

Rhea nodded, "Byleth... There was something else I needed to speak with you about" she began then fell silent "Join me for tea later to speak, now seems hardly the time" she concluded.

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