Rhodos Coast:

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Byleth watched silently as Sylvain fled from the training grounds.

Goddess she really didn't want to have to dance.

Dimitri coughed awkwardly "Should we get started?" he asked quietly.

Byleth was about to tell him yes, but then she took into account that they had just finished training. Touching another person seemed to be the last thing she wanted to do at the moment. "Perhaps we should freshen up first then practice in about two hours?" she suggested.

Dimitri nodded his head, "Ah. Yes, my apologies" he said bashfully "Where would you like me to meet you?" he asked.

Byleth would have said the gardens, but... That would make things difficult. Then rumors would spread of Byleth and Dimitri, which could lead to trouble from certain nobility that think it is their right to interfere. "Um, meet me at the star terrace" Byleth finally replied "We will be able to practice there without any disturbance" she added.

A small smile fell over Dimitri's face, "I'll see you then" he said then left from the training grounds.

Oh, goddess why had she agreed to this.

"Don't act as though you aren't excited" Sothis huffed out "You can try all you want but you can't deny your feelings for him" she chuckled.

Byleth sighed, "Yeah, yeah whatever Sothis" she murmured and left from the training grounds to bathe and change.

By the time Byleth reached the terrace the Prince was already waiting.

"Sorry" Byleth murmured as she approached him "Now are you ready to begin?" she asked.

Dimitri nodded, "Yes... Byleth I want to apologize in advance" he sighed "My dancing skill is not the best" he added.

She shook her head, "It's fine Dimitri" she replied and grabbed his hand. "The point is to teach you to dance, is it not?" she added.

He was silent for a moment then chuckled, "Yes, you are right. Thank you Byleth" Dimitri said then placed his hand on her waist and began to lead them into the dance.

He seemed to know what he was doing just fine. "I thought you didn't know how to Dance Your Highness?" Byleth teased.

A faint shade of pink spread over his cheeks, "Beginners luck" Dimitri murmured.

She had a hard time believing that, but she wouldn't press the issue any further, "Hm I see" she replied "In any case you are doing fine, I believe the Blue Lions hold a good chance to be victorious" she added.

Dimitri chuckled softly, "Is that right?" he hummed "I take you haven't been told who the competitors are yet have you?" he asked.

Byleth shook her head, "No I haven't" she said then paused for a moment "Who are they?" she asked.

"Edelgard and Claude" Dimitri responded.


That's a bit ironic, the three house leaders. Future leaders of Fodlan fighting against one another to win the White Heron Cup. "In that case we cannot accept defeat" Byleth declared.

Dimitri smiled, "Hm, is that so" he said "You may have your work cut out for you" he added.

"That's fine I suppose" Byleth replied although she strongly doubted that he needed that much training.


"Let's call it a day for now," Byleth told Dimitri and pulled away from him.

The Prince nodded, "Yes, of course" he said and took a small bow "You have my thanks Lady Byleth, I am certain that I might stand a chance against Claude and Edelgard now" he added.

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