What Lurks in the Night:

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Immediately after the battle at the Holy Mausoleum Byleth waited in Grandmother's office besides her audience chambers.

What would her reaction be?

How was she even able to wield this sword? If what she knew about the Hero's relics was true, then this should be impossible. She didn't even know that the church had any relics in its possession from what she learned they were all with the respective families.

It felt like hours had passed before Grandmother entered her office with Uncle on her tail.

"Are you alright sweet child?" Grandmother asked immediately.

Byleth nodded, "Yes... I'm just a bit confused is all" she replied.

Uncle sighed and shook his head, "You know I had meant to watch over a tomb as a joke, right?" he questioned "Though I suppose it worked out in the end...".

"His Highness and I came to the conclusion a few weeks ago that this may be their true target" Byleth began, she saw Grandmother's head rise with interest at that statement. "And it appears that we were right in the end" she concluded.

"You worked with His Highness on this?" Grandmother questioned.

Uncle frowned, "Lady Rhea now is not the time" he reminded "I think we need to address the issue at hand" he added "Byleth was able to awaken the Sword of the Creator".

Byleth's eyes widened, she glanced at the blade that she had set down on Grandmother's desk "The Sword of the Creator?" she repeated.

Grandmother nodded, "Yes, and don't worry dear, it is perfectly normal that you were able to awaken it" she began "After all you do wield the Crest of Flames".

The Crest of Flames...

"You have never told me that before" Byleth said sternly "I thought it was just a random crest" she added and frowned "Does that mean that the blood of the King of Liberation flows through me?" she questioned.

"No" Grandmother answered immediately "I can assure you Nemesis died without any next of kin" she said "Crests are finicky, sometimes if your family line has a crest in it there is a possibility a different crest may emerge" she concluded.

Byleth looked to Uncle, his eyebrows were furrowed "Is that true Uncle?" she questioned.

"I suppose it's possible" Seteth replied, although he didn't sound convinced.

Grandmother was silent for a moment, then went over to her desk and grabbed the blade "Byleth dear..." she began then held the sword out to her. "I will leave the Sword of the Creator in your capable hands".

"Lady Rhea..." Uncle began, he looked confused "Are you sure this is wise, I don't mean to question your judgment, but it seems particularly endangering to Byleth if she wields it".

Byleth frowned, "Why is that?" she questioned.

"Hero's relics are sought after, this will draw unnecessary attention to you" Seteth replied.

Grandmother shook her head, "Byleth will have the means to protect herself" she said sternly "It's final Seteth, she will wield the Sword of the creator".

Byleth grabbed the blade from Grandmother, honestly, she had her own doubts about it as well but... If Grandmother was certain it would be ok then she has no reason to doubt her, hopefully.

"I won't let you down Grandmother" Byleth replied and looked to Seteth "Nor you Uncle" she added.

Seteth sighed, "I'm not worried about that Byleth, I am worried about your safety".

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