The Goddess of Fodlan:

352 15 13

Sleep evades her.

The past few days, she's only gotten a couple of hours every now and then, her Father, Monica, they haunt her dreams. Byleth regrets how powerless she was, she couldn't stop them.

She sighs and gets up from her bed, she can't stay here forever. Despite her desire to, she knows that she cannot kill the wretched Woman from her room.


Byleth will kill her.

She dresses quickly and leaves from her room, the priests and nuns' stare. She hates the pity etched on their faces, "Professor Byleth".


Her eyebrows are furrowed, and concern is present on her face, "I'm sorry for your lost Professor'' she began "Captain Jeralt was a good man" she said softly "When... When Glenn died in Duscur I didn't leave my room for moons, know that the pain you feel in your heart will ease over time" she sighed "But I would be lying to you if I said it goes away, in any case we are here for you Byleth'' she said softly.

Byleth is silent for a moment, "Thank you Ingrid... I appreciate it" she said quietly.

Ingrid nodded, "Of course Professor" she replied "Would you care to join me in the training grounds, it might help a bit" she added.

When was the last time she trained, Byleth had spent the last few weeks idle, locked in the confinement of her room mourning. Growing complicit, she cannot do that any longer, not if she wishes to avenge her Father.

"Yes, thank you again Ingrid" Byleth replies.

The younger girl smiles at her and begins to lead the way to the training grounds.

"Byleth!" Sylvain calls out once she steps foot in there, both him and Felix are in there. "I never thought I'd see your lovely again-".

"Knock it off moron" Felix cut him off and gave him a stern look, "Welcome back Byleth" he said and gave her a nod, "Care to spar? You've let yourself grow weak. We need to straighten that out" he declared.

Ingrid let out a gasp, "Felix!" she shouted.

Byleth nodded, "It's alright Ingrid" she replied then looked to Felix "You're on" she added and grabbed a blade off the rack.


"Professor Byleth!".

She set the blade back on the rack, she was a bit tired. Not exercising for some time was getting to her stamina.

Ah, right. She turns and faces her caller.

"Leonie?" Byleth says "What do you need?" she asked.

The girl stares at her for a moment "I want to transfer to your class" she declares.

A transfer... Right now? "No, sorry" Byleth begins "Now isn't a good time" she added.

Leonie furrowed her eyebrows, "I have to transfer to your class" she said sternly "I promised to Captain Jeralt that I would protect you, should anything happen to you" she said then paused for a moment "I have to join your class" she concluded.

Byleth frowned and shook her head, "I'm sorry Leonie, but you are transferring for the wrong reason" she sighed "I get your reasoning, but I cannot allow it" she added.

Leonie let out a frustrated noise, "Do you even care!?" she said sternly "You aren't the only one in pain!" she shouted, "We all lost Captain Jeralt, and it's like you don't even care" she said sternly "Are you even his child-"

She punched her.

Byleth punched her, square in the jaw. She hadn't even realized that she was doing it until her fist collided with Leonie.

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