Rumble x Cassetticon!Reader

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Hehe my boy~ for some reason I had a stroke trying to spell cassetticon-

"Kids, time for bed." I heard Soundwave say. I ran to my berth and smiled.
Soundwave tucked me in along with Rumble and Frenzy. He nuzzled us and left to continue working.

Ha, yeah, we aren't sleeping.
"Psst... Rumble.. you awake?" I heard the blue cassetticon grumble softly, then he sat up.
"Yeah, what?"
"Want to go outside?" He smiled at the question and we snuck outside.


We were sitting on a cliff above water. The stars were extra sparkly tonight.
He held my servo and smiled.
"I'm glad that you're my friend. Frenzy can be a bit annoying at times. Especially in battle."
I felt a blue blush cover my face.
"You're just saying that." He frowned and gently put his servo on my cheek. His visor covered his optics, which were gazing at mine.
"I'm serious..." my face hued a darker blue. He slowly leaned in at the same time I leaned in. Our dermas met gently, then we flinched when we heard someone clear their throat.
"Kids, why are you out here?"
"I-.. was sleep walking.. sorry.."
"Go to bed."
"Yes dad"
Short, but it's something!
205 words

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