AoE Scorn x Femme!Dinobot!Reader ⭐️REQUESTED⭐️

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Requested by the magnificent ~ rodimusunicronus3

I stomped around, shaking the ground as I walked. My leg was killing me and I saw energon dripping onto the ground. I was panting heavily and tried to make it back to my cave.
My vision was very blurry, and I tripped over my own claws, falling onto the ground and blacking out.


I woke up and saw my friend, Scorn. I whimpered and he held me close.
"Hey, calm down. I found you passed out and you're injured pretty badly. Luckily, I know how to help you." I weakly nodded and cuddled close to his chassis.
"What were you doing out there, anyway?" I realized I was no longer in my dinobot form, but my bot form.
"I was looking for energon." I explained to him.
"Ah.." he gently set me down and began to fix my leg.
"What happened to you?" I sighed and winced.
"It's nothing, just found other dinobots that weren't so friendly..." he nodded and started to finish the healing process.
I gently placed my servos on his cheeks and brought his face down to mine. His cheeks were dusted blue.
"Thanks, Scorn." He smiled and gently kissed me. I gladly kissed back and moved him closer to me. He moved so he was almost straddling me.
"Hey, Scorn?"
"I like you. A lot."
Scorn blushed.
"I love you."
232 words

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