A/N + Heatwave x Reader

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Ughhhh school starts on the 8th I'm gonna be a friggin JuNiOr in HiGh ScHoOL.
So... time to explain my school sched. (That just autocorrected to 'aches' hA)
I normally don't update Mon-Thur, but Fri-Sun I will try if I don't have homework, which normally I don't have much homework. This also means requests are going to be limited. If I get multiple requests, I will only do the ones I think will be easiest. Please don't be offended if I don't do your request! I love all of you ❤️❤️ heh, I know some of you are my 'biggest fans' but hey, I'm your biggest fan. You all are awesome! We can get through this year together. Shoot, pm me if you have any problems with literally anything. Bullying, depression, suicidal thoughts, just wanna say hi, don't be shy! I'm your friend. :)

Let's get to the story!

⚠️heavy Making out⚠️

It was a stormy evening, the recruits were in their chambers after a long day of training to be Rescue Bots.
Boulder was taking care of the plants from other planets, Blades was checking the weather for tomorrow, Chase was resting on the couch.
Heatwave was nowhere to be found, however.
He wasn't in his office.
He wasn't in his chambers.
No one knew of the whereabouts of the fire truck.
I went outside, the rain splashing against my metal form, making me shiver slightly.
My optics scanned around the terrain in front of me, searching for the red mech.
"Heatwave!" I called out. I heard a gruff sigh coming from behind a tree. I walked over to the tree and saw Heatwave.
"Hey, Heatwave, what are you doing out here?" I asked, sitting next to him.
"I was enjoying the peace and quiet." I smiled.
"Whoops. I was worried, I couldn't find you anywhere." He smiled slightly and placed his servo on top of mine.
I looked up at his optics and felt my faceplate heat up slightly. His whole form was soaked with rainwater, his optics glowing slightly in the hazy mist.
I couldn't help but slowly place my other servo on his cheek, feeling him lean into it and seeing him smile.
"It's been a while since we last got to spend time together alone." I told him.
"Yeah, it's hard finding time to spare now." I smiled and gently leaned up to kiss his dermas. His faceplate heated up as he kissed back. I gently wrapped my arms around his neck as I hesitantly sat on his lap. He let out a gruff groan as I began to grind against him. He boldly stuck his glossa into my mouth, having it glide and push against mine. I let out a soft moan, pulling him closer.
Our glossas fought for dominance, swirling together. Heatwave smirked as he won the battle. He held me down on the wet ground, marking my neck in harsh bites and kisses. I moaned at the feeling, then felt him tug at my neck, leaving hickeys. He bit down my body, smirking.
"You have no idea how long I have been waiting to do this." I blushed and felt him grind against my valve, making me whimper in pleasure.
"H-..Heatwave..." I moaned out.
The pleasurable moment was suddenly interrupted by the rescue alarm. He sighed and got off of me, pecking me one last time before standing. I stood up and pecked him back, then we both went to see what the mission was this time.
587 words

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