Optimus x Reader

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I still have no inspiration :)

art by me!

I walked around the scrap yard, seeing abandoned cars and trucks that were destined for the crusher. I saw a semi that was broken down pretty badly. It was blue and red. It had a strange sort of design on it that was scratched and faded out.

"Boy, what happened to you?" I asked the truck. I got no answer, as suspected.

"Dad, can I work on this truck? I think all it needs is a little touch up." I asked my dad, who worked at the scrap yard.

"Sure, sweetie. Just be careful." I nodded.


I took the truck back home and parked it behind the house.

"Alright, let's see what the damage is..." I grabbed my tools and started to fix the truck.

I found many bullet holes and other mysterious 'car wounds'.

"Geesh.." I grabbed some left over scrap metal and started to put it onto the truck, replacing the old metal, then painted it.

After a few hours, I swore I saw the truck shift.


"M-..My name is..Optimus P-Prime.." I heard from the radio. It was all crackly and broken. It sounded hurt.


I gasped when the truck, or, Optimus, transformed. It was a giant robot!

"Woah..So the stories are true!" I squealed, then jumped around. "This is incredible!"

"I was i-injured..by a sudden attack." Optimus said.

I frowned and continued to fix him.

"Sorry that happened to you."

He nodded, then gently picked me up.

"Tell me, why have you decided to save me?" Optimus asked, tilting his head.

"Well, I fix cars and trucks up, and then I resell them for a lower price, since I had to fix it up.."

Optimus frowned and tensed.

"Don't sell me."

I frowned and stroked the shoulder of the giant robot.

"I promise I won't."

Optimus smiled a little.

~ time skip 3 years later ~

Optimus and I were great friends. I even met the other Autobots and got to see who the Decepticons were. Optimus took me in his truck form to a cliff to see the sunset.

"Thanks for reviving the Autobots, Y/n." Optimus said as he transformed into his bot mode.

I grinned and nuzzled his chassis.

"I...have something I must tell you."

I looked up at him.

"What is it-" I couldn't finish when I felt a pair of Cybertronian lips meet mine.

"Oh." I returned the gestured. He smiled.

"Will you be my spark mate?" I thought of what that term meant again, then perked up and grinned.

"I'd love to!"


hhhhhhhh forgive me i didn't have ideas but wanted to update

404 words.

Just like my ideas, 404 not found

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