Perceptor x Sad!Reader

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⚠️making out⚠️

Pouting, I went to Optimus. He had called me, probably telling me to go on a mission to check on Megayeet or something.
"Y/n, I've noticed you have been pretty down lately. Care to tell me why?" Optimus asked, crouching to my level.
"It's nothing, I've just been working hard and feel I need a break." He nodded.
"I'll give you a day." I nodded and dismissed myself from the room. I passed Perceptor's room, and I had tears in my dull optics. My whole world seemed to turn grey. Perceptor looked at me as I passed by, noticing the shine in my eye. I'm crying.


I was in my room and I hugged myself. I rested my head on my knees, little sobs every now and then escaping my lips.

"Y/n? May I enter?" I hiccuped and didn't reply. I just didn't want to see anyone today. I had a bad day. It all started when I knocked over Ratchet's medical table, spilling all sorts of medicine and syrups, then I knocked Bumblebee down and made him glitch, which scared me because I thought he died, then I messed up my mission and made Optimus mad at me. Instead of only spying on the Decepticons, I went in and got caught, luckily only by Starscream, who didn't make a big deal of my presence to Megatron, seeing he thought he can take me out himself. I ran/flew away quickly from the scene. I also hurt a human when returning home. I (either crash landed, or tripped on them) and they fell pretty hard on the road. I didn't turn back. I couldn't turn back. Oh, Primus, does this mean I'm a... bad bot? I found myself daydreaming of nightmares. Optimus came into my room, angry and ticked off at me.
"You just put the Autobots in more danger than we need, glitch!" He shouted. I know this isn't real... is it? Optimus would never... but... but Bumblebee... he would come in and-
"Y/n? Are you... are you recharging?" Perceptor must have come in. I was laying on my side not facing him. I still didn't reply, but let out a small whine. He frowned.
"Go away before I make you mad, too!" I sobbed. His frown seemed to worsen.
"Mad? Why would I be mad at you? How could I be mad at you?" Perceptor had sat down on my berth, and I hid my wet face. Not well enough, though.
"Are you crying?" I shivered as I felt tons of tears slip from my metallic optic sockets. I was now pretty much laying on my stomach. I flinched harshly as I felt a hand rub my back.
"May I ask what has gotten you so upset?"
"I mess everything up! I messed up Ratchet's medical table, making a huge mess! I made Bumblebee fall and made his voice get all glitchy! I messed up my mission, I made Optimus mad! I also hurt a human and didn't turn back! I am such a bad bot! I... I don't deserve this stupid Autobot mark! I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it, I don't dese-" Perceptor picked me up and sat me down by him. He held me close.
"So you made some mistakes today."
"'Some' is an understatement! What if I end up being the one to mess up something so badly, I end up destroying the Earth?!" I sobbed. He shushed me soothingly.
"You're thinking like a Decepticon and not an Autobot. Think of it like this: you didn't destroy the Earth, Cybertron is exactly where it was yesterday, Megatron hasn't destroyed our base,... I'm sure Optimus isn't mad at you. How badly was the human injured?" I buried my helm into his chest.
"She... fell hard. But I'm sure she's okay."
"See, now that's the positive way to be thinking!" I felt him pull me closer, laying back on the berth. I was on him, a blue color coming to my cheeks.
"Have I ever told you that out of every bot here, I care most about you?" I closed my red optics. They still held a dull color. My world still grey.
"Sure, everyone says that but when do they actually mean it?" Perceptor sat up, pushing me down onto the bed. He held a serious look.
"I mean it, Y/n. When have I lied?! Tell me! When?!" He said seriously. He got closer to me, now, definitely hovering above me. I felt my blue face become bluer.
"You haven't... but that doesn't mean you can't start now- mm...?!" he growled at my words and shoved his lips to mine. After a while, I kissed back and he held himself against me, the kiss getting deeper by this action. His beautiful blue optics half lidding as he looked down at me. He slid his tongue across my lip, a blue blush dusting his cheeks.
"P-Perceptor..." I pulled away. He got on top of me and started to grind himself against me, making both me and him let out a breathy moan.
"Am I lying?" He whispered in my ear. I felt tears well up in my optics.
"Are you mad at me?" He slowly kissed me.
"Now, why would I be mad at such a gorgeous creature like you?" He purred. I hummed as I felt his warm breath on my neck.
"You never answer me... am I lying?" He pressed sweet kisses around my neck, pulling softly at the wires.
"Mmhhh..." he smirked and got off of me. Tease.
"P-Perceptor...?" I stuttered. He was gone. It was like nothing happened. Was I hallucinating? Maybe I do need sleep....
"Y/n? Should I come later or..." he's still at my door...? I closed my optics and fell asleep.
I stirred awake and saw Perceptor laying next to me asleep. Whether or not I was dreaming this or not, only morning can tell.


In the morning, sure enough, Perceptor was by my side.
"Good morning. You didn't reply to me yesterday for two hours. I found you passed out on your berth. You were shivering and crying, and may I remind you that you are my favorite Autobot."

1048 words

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