G1 Megatron x Optimus Prime's Daughter!Reader ⭐️REQUESTED⭐️

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Requested by the excellent~ ... Why didn't I write down who requested this....sorry!

Art by me! Oc is mine!

I had my dear friend write this for me, actually! I couldn't think of anything and I can't write because every good idea I think of just goes away once I start writing XD Thank you, autobotfan02! (GO CHECK OUT HER BOOK N O W)

Y/n p.o.v.

I hate it! I hate being an Autobot, I hate being Prime's daughter, I hate not being able to stay by my beloved! Here I was, walking back and forth in my berthroom. You see, I am in love with the leader of the Decepticons, we're together, even, and I hate not being able to go see him! I have to ask my sire, tell him where I'm going, which means sometimes, I have to tell him "where I'm going" because he doesn't want the Decepticons finding me, and then only getting to see my beloved for a few hours before going to the location I said I was going to check in with my Sire.

I just want it to end! I want my sweetspark so bad! Yeah, sure he is evil, but if you would see the soft side he has for me, you would understand why I love him, he's my everything.  "Sire, can I please go for a walk?"
"Where are you going?"
"You know that canyon Bumblebee got stuck in? There, by foot"
Optimus sighed, "fine, but I expect you to check in with me after an hour"
So I set off, although I didn't bother paying attention to him telling me to check-in, it's always every two hours, so I transform and drive/fly in the direction of the canyon until I'm out of sight, then immediately turn towards the Decepticon base, I really need my sweetspark right now. Once I get to the edge of the ocean (I think it's an ocean?) I transform and use the fly option I have/keep flying towards the base, once I was spotted Megatron immediately recognized my m/c (metal color) bipedal/vehicle form and gets Soundwave to let me in. Once I get in I turn off my fly mode/transform and jump into my beloved's arms.
"I missed you sweetspark!~" 
"I missed you too, come on, let's go to my throne room"
With that he picked me up bridal style and carried me to his throne room, sitting down before placing me in his lap and pulling me in for a long, much-needed kiss.
"Why don't you join the Deceptions sweetspark?"
"Yes! I wish I could, but you know my Sire, he would come for you, and I don't want you getting killed over me" I replied sadly.
"Do not worry about me, my little launcher (he gave you that nickname after the first night you snuck out to, see him and you had some fun~) I will protect you with my life if I must, if it means I get to have you by my side, I would gladly fight for you" You couldn't help but smile at this, and leaned your helm on his shoulder plate "If you really think so, how about tonight I grab my things and then come over? I can officially switch sides and stay at your side forever!" I felt Megatron smile.
"I would very much like that, and I think a few other would to," he said, adding the first part when he turned his helm to see Rumble and Frenzy running towards you  "Rumble, Frenzy, return" Soundwave ordered, to no obedience from the two that grew to see you like an aunt, a favourite aunt that they treated as their queen, of course "Y/N!" they cried with joy, hopping onto you, creating clear annoyance on Megatrons faceplates, "Should you not ask before ambushing your Queen!" he growled "Sweetspark, It's fine" you assured him, turning to give him a quick sweet kiss before turning your attention to the troublesome twins.
"How have you two been behaving?" you asked, the twins froze.

"W-well, Uhm, ah..." Rumble started, "w-we haven't been TOO much trouble, just..." "arrogant and ruthless" Soundwave finished, clear amusement in his voice The twins giggled, "well, guess I couldn't expect THAT much from two trouble makers" You said, rubbing both their heads, when Megatron gave a jealous and annoyed huff you turned and rubbed his head too, although his face lit up at this he gave you an annoying glare, but gave up trying to keep it when your smile only brightened, then he took the liberty of bending down and giving your derma a gentle peck. "EWWW" the twins said in sync

~back at the ark~ 

 "Where is she!?" Optimus yelled, you were two minutes late, two and a half more than he could handle. "Optimus, maybe she just lost track of time, you do usually tell her she can have two hours, she's a young'un, ya gotta expect that of her" Ironhide started "But with Decepticon activity rising we can't risk it, Autobots, transform and roll out" the angered mech ordered, the others knew that he was overreacting, but who was foolish enough to tell that to him in his angered state?

~time skip to the coordinates y/n gave~ 

 "she isn't here" Bumblebee spoke, the only one to have said anything since Optimus snapped "You think I don't know that!" he yelled at Bee, everyone was shaken by this, he NEVER yelled at his comrades "ya think those Decepti-bums got 'er?" Jazz asked, hoping that he wouldn't get the same response Bumblebee did "yes, Autobots! Transform and roll out to the Decepticon base" he ordered. Once they got to their enemies base and took no hesitation in busting down a wall, that quickly repaired itself, what Optimus saw left him broken

There, in Megatron's throne was Megatron (duh) and Y/n, sitting in his lap with a smile on her face leaning into him with too recharging cassettes on her, her arms around them, but they didn't notice the Autobots (don't ask how, I don't know myself) and what he saw next finished off his spark, shattering it more if possible. They kissed, and Y/n, HIS y/n was the first to lean in."WHAT IS GOING ON HERE! Y/N! Your coming with me, NOW!" he yelled with an amount of anger they've seen only from Megatron. "What're you gonna do Prime? Shoot her if she doesn't come?" he asked, oblivious to how close he stomped over, he grabbed his sparkling, almost in a neck-lock and walked away with her retorting "What're you gonna do if I bring her back? Shoot her?" although he honestly expected him to do so, and was shocked by his response " you're lucky her life is at stake if I shoot at you, or else you would be nothing but a dead heap of scrap for taking my beloved from me!" but Optimus didn't care, he angrily tightened his hold on the femme, letting it slip into a full choke-hold and left~time skip brought to you by this being rushed in order to be completed in time for May 13th~ "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! Y/N PRIME I THOUGHT I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THIS-" he was cut off by the Autobot base being shaken, and there stepped in the entire fleet of Decepticons. "PRIME! I order you give me the femme THIS INSTANT!" he was madder than any had seen, "SWEETSPARK! You came for me!" the Prime's daughter cried as she ran into the Warlord's arms, hugging him tightly "I shall take my leave now, AUTOBOT FOOLS!" "WAIT! Just let me ask my child one question" Optimus ordered, "or what?" Megatron questioned, only to hear the sound of a gun firing up behind him "or she gets it" Optimus added from right behind him, blaster fired up and aimed at the in-love femme's helm, pure anger that suggested he would follow through with his word "fine, for y/n's sake" he added, Optimus then lowered his gun "Y/n, what did I ever do wrong?" The spark-broken femme then replied "you never let me be with the one I love, never let me do ANYTHING without you hovering over me, right now you just threatened to snuff me just because you didn't have full control over me, and lastly, you never sensed when I got spark-bonded, a sign that you never had a true sire-sparkling connection with me (pretend it's true)" she snarky-like snapped at him. With that the couple left, followed by the entire Decepticon fleet "so, now may you officially join the Decepticon forces?" he questioned his sweetspark "I wouldn't have it any other way" she replied lovingly "now can we call you mom?" Frenzy asked, semi-ruining the moment, y/n couldn't help but giggle "of course" she gave the twins a warm smile and pulled them in for a hug, pressing a sweet kiss to their forehelms.


Wow... Thank you so much for writing this for me again, Autobotfan! I love it and I really hope the requester likes it as well! <3

An awesome 1507 words~!

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