Prime Megatron x Autobot!Reader

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I got a new phone, so there might be some errors, sorry about that!


My pedes met the metal floor with a 'tnck' sound following me. I mainly kept to the shadows, making sure the Vehicons did not find me. As I turned to make my way through a doorway, I was almost caught as I saw the cherry red Aston Martin pull up to his parking spot. I quickly ducked under a table and quietly watched as the mech transformed into his bipedal form, humming as he made an exit.
As I regained my breath I wasn't aware I was holding, I growled under my breath as the door closed, making my only exit a failure.

With the failed comm attempt to Ratchet, I found myself hopeless all over again. I've heard from Bulkhead that he had been stuck on the Nemesis before, too.

~ 8 hours before ~

"I've got optics on Starscream's alt mode, sir!" I reported to Prime. I, then, went on with the plans Prime had given me.
I went to hijack the alt mode, but unfortunately, I never checked if Starscream was asleep. I was lifted up as he flew back to the Nemesis, Starscream had no idea, I'm guessing. I quickly tried to send Optimus a message, but it didn't get through.
'Frag...' I thought.
I gasped as a Vehicon almost spotted me, but I hid before it could.

~ current time ~

As I went to leave the airlock, I quickly walked to a large door that led to Megatron's office.
I gasped and tried to run, but my arms were being held tightly by Vehicons. My optics widened as the Decepticon leader approached me.
He leaned down to my height.

"Put her in the prison."

With the order, the Vehicons followed without a complaint. I was harshly dragged into a cell and locked up.

The bright pink Energon bars glowed, making my faceplate look pink.

It seemed like hours before I saw the silver leader approach my cell.

"State your business." He ordered.

"I.. am actually here accidentally." My cheeks felt warm as I looked at him.


They only grew hotter by the second.

"If I let you go, will you stand with me?" The question caught me off guard.

"Stand with you?"

"My... queen."

I blushed heavily and nodded a bit too fast.
He chuckled.

"Good... very good."


As I was walking down the hallway, I bumped into Starscream.
"Sorry, Screamer!" He growled.
"Did Knockout teach you that name?" I chuckled in reply.
He rolled his optics.
"Tell me again how you are with Megatron?"
I chuckled.
"Why? You jealous?"
Starscream's cheeks turned a certain shade of blue.
"N-No! If anything, I would date you, not him! I-uh.."
I smirked the entire time he explained.
"Yeah, have fun with that."

~a week later~

Megatron and I sat next to each other at a meeting desk.
"As you know, Y/n has been here a while now. I am happy to see that most of you are getting to like her," Megatron looked directly at Starscream.
"Y/n has taught me tricks to medical help I didn't even know!"
"She helped me learn to maneuver better while flying in battle!"
"She made me a sandwich!"
As the entire meeting room cheered, Megatron smiled and pecked me.
"Anything to say to the fleet?" He asked.
"" I thought for a second.
"I just want to say that without Starscream's help, I wouldn't have been here.. let's all cheer for Starscream!"
The room was quiet.
Embarrassing quiet.

"Go Screamer!" Knockout shouted.

What was this??? How was this even a Megatron x reader???
614 words

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