Starscream x Reader

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/Love me/

Starscream held his arm nervously as the memories of Megatron throwing him and abusing him repeated like a broken record. Another thought filled his processor. This one really made him freeze up and have a shocked expression/sad expression. What if no one loved him?
"Starscream? Staaaaaarscreaaaaam... you in here?" I knocked on the door that separated us. It was strange. I had seen Starscream step into the storage room, but for him to be in there for an hour and a half... that's not normal. Starscream winced as he hugged himself and hung his helm low as he sobbed.
"Go away, I demand you!" He had yelled at me. I, of course, didn't listen.
"I will break down this door!" He had turned the lights off, making the room look dark except for a barred window with white lighting. He had been sitting in the light on the floor and crying.
"I'm coming in... in 3....2...1..." I opened the door to find it was unlocked. I saw the dim room and felt the sad aura in the storage room.
"I said go away..." he grumbled.
"And you should know I don't listen much to anyone." He didn't dare face me.
I sat in front of him and cupped his cheeks with my servos. His optics stayed low at first but then met mine.
"What's wrong, Screamer?"
"Don't call me that!"
" this about the others mistreating you?" He looked down and frowned. He knew I only called anyone 'hun' when I was truly concerned.
"Don't ask me that."
"So it is..." I got into a position where I was on his lap and facing him. He felt a shudder run through him like an electric jolt. He had grabbed hold of my waist and pulled me closer. My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms were hanging loosely on his shoulders. Our foreheads touched. The sensation sent us above the clouds, almost. I played with his helm qualities such as the top of it and the sides.
"I care about you a lot, Star... and I want you to remember that." I thought of pressing my dermas to his just like that, to taste the fiery sensation around us, to take the seeker and show him that he belongs to me. And to know that he realizes this. I was pulled out of my imaginative thoughts as Starscream had done what I had imagined. Placing his dermas onto mine, pulling me as close as possible without a single patch of light separating us. I kissed back and felt the sensation of almost a sunset. The cool wind, yet the hot waves from the sun. The gorgeous orange and red light just as extreme as the saturation between us with the kiss. The bright sun blinding everyone who walked in it's path represented the endless need for us to be just like this. As the night draws close, the sun vanishes much like the kiss being pulled back. We didn't say a word. We just stared at each other with sparkles, much like the stars in the new night sky, in our optics. Blue blushed dusted our cheeks like the setting colors in the evening sky. Starscream had stopped crying and had planted a moon, or a kiss, on my forehead. High and full of pride, the moon made its way to the night sky.
"I just want someone to show me some love every once in a while." The red seeker hugged me and we laid back onto the metal floor. With the open barred window the room felt colder than it was. Like a hot sunny day with a cool clear night. Starscream placed multiple stars, or kisses, onto my face.
"I promise I do not hate you, I will show you my love for you." Starscream smiled at my words. His brows tilting to make him smirk.
"Finally, somebody who has a sense passion." I smiled back and rested against the newly happy seeker. Like a new night with clear skies, the stars being shown clearly and the moon shining brightly. The cool wind helped us drift off into recharge.


Megatron questioned why we decided the storage room was the best spot to recharge.

715 words

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