Soundwave x Reader

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Gazing at the blue mech, he looked at me lovingly. He had a sexy look to him today. I don't really know what was different... shiny armor? I am not sure. We were the only two in his lab at the moment, working on tasks for Megatron. Soundwave, already looking hotter than normal, literally, it was hot in the room, came over to me. We were both sweating despite being in the airship high in the sky. He walked me backwards until my back hit the desk. He leaned me back a bit and pinned me. Having his arms in between mine and my body, he leaned more forwards to me. His chest hit mine and I was already feeling the blush beginning to dust itself on my cheeks like stardust. He moved one servo to tap his mask, revealing his dermas and gorgeous eyes. His eyes were half lidded and a blue blush dusted his cheeks as well. He moved his servo back to pin me against the table and he slowly moved his face to mine.
"Soundwave! Get back to work!" Megatron shouted. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and nervously shifted. Not really knowing what to do since he was pinning me. Soundwave froze and slowly got away from me, putting his mask back on.
"Yes, Megatron." It was incredible! It was as if he was under a spell. Megatron left and Soundwave bent to my ear and whispered in a soft, husky voice, "I was not done with you. Meet me in my chambers after work." Work was over in ten minutes. I shuddered at his voice and blushed more. I felt faint, but in a good way.
"Y-Yes...S-s...Soundwave...." he shuddered at my stutters. Oh, how he longed to hear my voice like that when he was with me.


After work, I headed to his room and saw him there. I closed his door and he held me against the wall quickly and kissed me hungrily. He bit my lip and I moaned. He smirked at the sound as shudders ran down his spine. His body was right against mine as he started to grind himself against me, frictiony feelings along with the quiet screech of metal against metal filled the room.
"Ah...h..." I hummed. Soundwave grunted as I teased him by shoving my tongue in his intake. He yelped in surprise when I bit and sucked on his derma, his purple/red optics closing him sweet pleasure. He moved his servos to my hips. Lust took over both of us as we made our way to his berth. He pinned me down and I giggled for some reason. I wrapped my legs around his waist and ran my digits across his spikey things on his head. I knew those were sensitive to be touched, as they help him receive data and radio messages. He moaned and pulled me close.
"Ahhh~..." he groaned softly and straddled me. He smirked and leaned down to capture my dermas with his dermas. Glossa meeting glossa, he began rubbing down to waist to my pelvis. I moaned and arched my back. He chuckled in satisfactory. I pinned him down and started to have my fun, kissing his stomach and hip area. I felt myself grow sweaty, or sweatier seeing the building was already hot in general. Sweat drenched us both as he continued to make out. Like me, his back arched as I kissed and licked his spikey thing on his helm. I kissed down and licked until I made it to his lips. Teasing, I pulled away. He grew upset at this action and grunted softly in my ear. He smirked and bit the crook of my neck. I gasped and pulled him close. I turned him around and sucked on the nape of his neck, gently pulling his wires and kissing him.

Then I woke up. Yes. I woke up. Soundwave was cuddling me and there was a note on my bedside.
"You were not doing well, so you feel asleep in my arms." Soundwave must have wrote it. That explains the sweat and the weird dreams. He woke up and hugged me close to his chest.
"I love you as well." He said.
"You talk in your sleep." I blushed and hid my face in his chest.
"Frick... I'm so sorry..."
"Do not apologize."

I kind like this.
745 words.

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