Starscream x Reader

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⚠️WARNING⚠️ gets kinda touchy touchy

Once again, Starscream was pushed down by Megatron and Megatron had his blaster pointed at the dunce.
"Come on, sir, is that really necessary?" I asked.
"It is, step back!" I groaned and then gasped once Megatron shot Starscream.
"M-Megatron! Megatron!" Starscream tried standing but he couldn't. He whined in pain.
"Megatron! That wasn't necessary or nice!" I yelled.
"Nice? What are you, an Autobot?" I felt furious.
"Excuse me? I am your medic along with Knockout! Don't you dare compare me with those pathetic, worthless, waste of metal!" I shouted. Megatron shot at me, but I dodged. He went back inside and I ran to Starscream.
"You okay?" He groaned. "Can you transform?" He tried but couldn't.
"No, no... no I can't.... why can't I-" he started to freak out, but I placed my hands on his shoulders, pushing him back down.
"Shhh... just lay down. You're going to be okay." He cried and blue liquid was flowing out from his wing.
"Let me just..." I took a piece of scrap metal from my medic bag, then placed it on his wing. I soldered the metal together, stopping the bleeding.
"Can you transform now?" He tried but he still couldn't.
"No..I...I need something..." he mumbled.
"What do you need?" He pulled me to him and I fell on top of him.
"Shhh..." I blushed.
"We are alone, you know? Just you..." He kissed my cheek. "And me." He kissed my lips. My face felt hot.
"S-screamer..." he smirked. I loved his smirk.
"I'm sorry- I can't... not right now." He frowned and placed a tender kiss to my lip plates. I smiled but pulled away.
"Now, where does it hurt?" I tried finding why he can't transform.
"My back, near my wings." I investigated the injury.
"Normally you can handle Megatron's blasts, why can't you now?" He grunted and hunched over.
"I guess I took too much damage this time..." he thought about how I defended him. With my life.
"You defended me, why?" I smiled.
"I care about you! You may be a dunce-"
"But I really love you...." he stopped frowning.
"And I already know how you feel." I said. He smirked and kissed me again, pinning me down.
"I love you as well." Replies Starscream.
"Let's get you back inside." I pulled him up and helped him in, laying him on the medical berth. He was on his stomach, exposing his wings. His shiny, beautiful, smooth wings. I let my fingers glide across them.
"What a-are you doing?" I smiled.
"I'm just..." I rubbed them, making him shiver in delight. He hummed in pleasure.
"Dude, you like this?" He heated up.
"I most certainly do not! Now heal me!" I smirked.
"But I like you like this, Screamer..." he blushed.
"Just... just heal me..." he said weakly. I started to work on fixing him, my face red the whole time.
When I was done, I smiled.
"Try now." He transformed flawlessly. I blushed.
"I love you." He transformed back and pinned me against the wall, surprising me. He kissed me passionately. I kissed back.
"Thank you. I love you." He said, putting more stress on 'you'.
"Well, now that I know where you like being touched-" he blushed and tensed.
"I.. I do not like being- mm..~...I touched is wings, making him hum.
"You're so cute..." he hugged me.
"You are as well."

This was cute? 585 words

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