Holoform!Barricade x Holoform!Reader

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⚠️Lime!! 17+⚠️
-pleasurable touching
-sub/dom reader
-sub/dom character

Art by me!

Barricade watched me as I laid on his bed, his dark hair gently falling in front of his red eyes. I smirked as I slowly moved my arms above my head, turning my body slightly. Barricade had a small blush on his pale face, then looked away.
"Why are you doing that?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" I cooed childishly, which only made the cop blush darker. He sighed and looked at me again, seeing that my wrists were above my head, one leg bent and leaning on the other, and my slightly turned body. He couldn't help but stare at me. He slowly moved closer to me, but gasped as I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, forcing him to straddle me.
"I know you're not too embarrassed already, Barricade." He scoffed and gently moved my hands above my head again. He slowly bent down to capture my lips with his, making me shudder quickly. His hands moved to hold my shoulders down, then licked my bottom lip. I groaned slightly and he moved so one leg was between mine. He moaned quietly in surprise when I stuck my tongue into his mouth, rubbing and sucking on his. He moved one hand down to my thigh and gently dug his sharp nails into the soft skin. I found myself moaning ever so slightly, then he moved his hand to the inner part of my thigh.
Barricade growled softly as I rubbed against him, making his face be dusted in red even more. He eventually began unbuttoning his cop uniform top, revealing his gorgeously toned body. I smirked and grabbed his shoulders. He looked at me curiously, then gasped quietly when I pulled him down and bit onto the pale skin. The crook of his neck held bite marks from me. He growled shakily from pleasure.
"H-hey- no." He told me. He blushes more when I rolled so I was straddling him. I gently removed his blue uniform pants, making him stare at me.
"Just because you're the bad cop doesn't mean I have to obey your every order...~" he bit his soft lip and grunted when I rubbed against him again.
"Y/...Y/n.." I smirked at his soft voice and the pleasurable sounds that escaped his lips. I stared at his arm that held a tattoo, 'to punish and enslave...' and gently bit at it. He whimpered slightly and that made me attack his lips, biting and licking them hard, making both of us moan.
I found myself grinding against his sensitive skin, then licking above his boxers. I kept one hand tangled in his dark hair, then the other teasing certain areas of his body. I gently tugged at his hair and he panted slightly.
"N-Ngh...." he grunted and wiped the small amount of sweat that had accumulated on his forehead. He moaned gruffly and moved his hips towards my teasing hand, then gasped when my hand came in contact with his sensitive regions. He moaned and squirmed slightly under me, then whimpered and tilted his head back, moaning.
"Y/n...~...." I continued to touch his sensitive regions and then rub them hard, resulting in a shaky moan.
We connected our lips again in a heated make out session, moaning and panting slightly. We ended the session with a final kiss and pulled each other close to cuddle.
Anybody got 10 gallons of holy water...? That seriously wasn't supposed to escalate like that, I'm sorry.... 😅
615 words

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