G1 Soundwave x Reader

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The rain poured heavily, each droplet dying as it hit the ground outside. I let a strong shiver run through my body and hugged myself to try to warm up. I muttered complete gibberish, as I shivered more. I saw the base that belonged to the Decepticons and stumbled to it. I walked in, an immediate pool of water pooling around me. I saw the SIC stare at me.

"You're getting the floor wet. Go dry off!" I shivered more and found my body grow stiff and I fell over. My dermas were chattering as I checked my readings on my screen.

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I closed my optics tightly as Starscream made his way to my side. He bent to my level, curious as to who to notify about this. He was technically the medic of the team, but wasn't known as a medic but rather the SIC. Starscream didn't know what to do since he wasn't aware of what was happening. He yelled for Megatron's attention ASAP, getting the attention of the quiet, blue mech known as Soundwave.

"What is it, Starscream- What happened to her?!" The Decepticon leader shouted at Starscream and picked me up.

"I-I don't know, Megatron! She just fell!" 

Soundwave soon approached the scene and he would be lying to himself if he didn't feel a bit of worry inside.

Keeping silent, the COMMO took me from Megatron's arms. I shivered more, but not as much. Soundwave was very warm, and I got closer to the heat source. 

"Soundwave, Y/n trusts you the most. Take her to your chambers and see if you can warm her up."

"Yes, Megatron. Due to her being wet and very cold, I have concluded that she was out in the rain for too long." Soundwave spoke softly to the warmonger.

"I am guessing that is what happened."


Soundwave, scared and worried as heck, took me to his chambers and set me on his berth. He decided that laying with me would be best for heat. He laid himself onto his berth and made sure he was as close as possible to me. He let out a soft, shaky breath when he really felt just how cold I was.

"S-...Sound...w-" Soundwave made me shudder a little when he got closer to me, letting absolutely no space get between us.

"I'm..s-s-o...c-" My voice glitched slightly, which startled Soundwave. He hugged me tightly and brought his blankets towards me, wrapping me and him tightly. I felt his hot breath warm my neck and I smiled.

"I-If I'm going t-t-o...-" I passed out.

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Soundwave felt a tinge of panic build up inside him. He went to his thermostat and changed the cold temperature (he likes it around 60 or 70 degrees, but on the chilly side), to a warmer temperature. He made sure the vent was facing directly at me. I felt the hot air blow onto my cold, metal skin. 

Slowly, I opened my optics an hour and a half later to see that I was cuddled close to the COMMO.

"Soundwave?" My voice hurt. I felt the bed underneath me and felt that it was damp.

"Your temperature has risen to a normal temperature." The soft voice made me smile. I grinned at Soundwave, who had lowered his mouth cover. He let a soft smile cover his lips. I found myself staring at the normally hidden feature. His lips were plump, but there was a nasty dent going from the top of his lip to the side of his chin. He saw me staring and bit his lips.

"What were you doing outside?" The question made me look up at his blocked optics.

"I was just walking around." Soundwave didn't really believe me, but he didn't want to push it. He'll get the real answer soon. I was really going to the beach to count stars and mourn about Cybertron. I missed my home.

I nuzzled Soundwave's chassis and he wrapped a servo around my waist. I nuzzled his neck and saw a blue hue rush over his cheeks.

"Before you passed out, you were saying something..." I remembered what I was saying. I was going to tell him that I really care about him and love him.

"I was um... going to say that I...- You know what? It's not important." Soundwave frowned.

"Negative. Everything is important." I growled quietly.

"Fine! But you're going to hate it... I really like you, okay..?!" Soundwave stopped and stared at me for a few seconds. By the blush on his face, I'd say he was definitely shocked by the news.

"You desire me?" It didn't sound like a question from Soundwave.

"I...I guess." My face burned when I saw the shocked look turn into a smirk. He grabbed my arm gently and pressed his dermas on mine for a few seconds. I kissed back and my optics went offline.

"I desire you as well."

I grinned and rested my helm on his chest. He cuddled me back and we both fell into a deep recharge.


884 words

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