TFP Soundwave x Reader

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Art by me

His long tentacle-like arms (I don't even know what they're called) had a mind of their own, this day. Soundwave doesn't know what was happening. As if his arms had a craving for me, they grabbed me.

"S-Soundwave! What gives? Put me down!" Soundwave only held me close.

"I apologize. I do not know what is happening." He only spoke to me, but even when he does, it is short and sweet.

"Well, tell your friends to put me the heck down!" He tried to overwrite the commands, but he couldn't.


"Well try harder! Oww, they're....squeezing the life out of me!"

"I apologize." He tried once, no, twice, maybe even thrice times to overwrite the deity, this deity being himself. He grunted as he could not control his actions. He tried manually releasing me, trying to pry me out of his grasp, but it did not work.

"What is up with your...things...anyway?"

"I do not know."

"Well, fine out, dang it!"

He tried relaxing his muscles, tried doing everything within his power to get me free. But each time failed and only resulted in me being pulled closer to the mech.

"S-Soundw-wave...." I ended up chassis to chassis to the mech, who was taller than me by a few inches.

" Try retracting your friends. Maybe that will do something!"

"I have tried." He tried again and his arm didn't let go.

"Let's go see Shockwave..." I grumbled. He nodded and we walked, well, he carried me to Shockwave.


"What brings you here, Soundwave? I didn't know we had a scheduled meeting today." He shook his helm.
"Actually... Um... we are stuck. Well... his arms won't let go of me."
"That's odd... it is logical for you two to come to me for help. Tell me, Soundwave, did you try to relax your muscles, or perhaps brute forcing her out of your grasp?" Soundwave nodded.
"I will see what I can do for you." He laid Soundwave and I down, is being side by side on a metal dissection table that had blue energon left over and stained on the table.
"This may hurt, don't be afraid to scream." I widened my optics and saw a blade that was spinning. Ready to cut, I whimpered and tensed up. The blade cut through the arm and exposed the wiring inside. Shockwave chuckled at me. Soundwave, on the other hand, was staying still and looked almost calm in a way. Has he done this before? How can he stay so calm?! His arm tentacle is literally at risk of falling off and he looks peaceful.  He must have noticed my optics burning a hole into his visor, he was staring at me. His other tentacle arm, once again, mind of its own, stroked my arm. It was a sweet gesture that put a spell on me and calmed me down. Unsure if this was really from Soundwave or not, I gave in and leaned into the touch. Shockwave started rewiring the wires that had been defective in Soundwave's arm. Soundwave, like normal, had no reaction to the pain. He just laid there staring either at the ceiling or at me. His optics, fogged over by his visor caught a glimpse of a vase. Inside said vase, were ten blue daisies. The daisies sat there and some of the leaves wilted with dehydration. Shockwave finished rewiring and stood back looking at his work. Proud, he told us we can stand. We stood, and Soundwave tried retracting his arm and it worked!
"Thank the All-Spark! I thought I was going to be attached to Sounds for the rest of my life."
"That would not be so bad, would it?" Sounds asked.
"Sure... sure..."

629 words
Many errors, haha...

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