Kickback x Ex!Autobot!Reader

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Being an Autobot was difficult. Not the tasks, but what it meant to be on the good side. I kind of saw both ways clearly. I saw the persistent Autobot point of view, and I also saw the eager Decepticon point of view. They both have good reasons on why they want what they want.
I've been avoiding Optimus for about a week. Just one thing was on my mind. Decepticon. Siding with the so called "evil" ones. I knew someone who lives nearby to where the base is at. Kickback. He is an Insecticon that I've known since we were sparklings. After much thinking, mainly about Kickback, I decided tonight is going to be the night I become an ex-Autobot and join the Decepticons to be reunited with my childhood best friend. Sure, I see him often with his friends Shrapnel and Bombshell, but it's no fun having to fight them when you have good history with them and believe they have no part in the bad doings they seem to be up to.
I let Optimus fall asleep after the others and made my way out. I saw Shrapnel waiting by a tree, his red eyes glowing like a stoplight during the darkest night. And it was a dark night. Darker than normal. Right as I was starting to conclude as to why it was so dark, I smelled rain and felt the cold drops fall onto my metal skin. Dousing me quickly. I shivered slightly but continued to walk past my safe zone, that zone being Shrapnel. He was only there along with his friends because he knew of my plan long ago. Kickback must have told him the details. I went to my next safe zone, which was about half a mile from Shrapnel. I saw Bombshell send a quick wink to me. I knew he meant good and not flirting, so I sent a friendly wink back. Another half a mile later, I saw my best friend.
"Kickback!!" I ran to him, but the rain made me slip on mud and fall. I gasp in pain and surprise.
"Haha.... are you alright?" He started laughing but when he realized I wasn't standing nor laughing he grew concerned.
I fell onto my back and groaned. With the others on watch duty to protect their home. Kickback leaned down to me and I winced and held my head back in pain. He wrapped his surprisingly gently servos around me and pulled me to his chest. He held me as he brought me inside the hive the Insecticons call home. He put me on his berth and examined the bloody leg. He realized just how much mud and blood I had over me and sort of started to regret putting me on his clean, freshly made berth.
"It doesn't look awful, of course it'll sting as bad as a wasp..." he cleaned the dirt and blood away and I gripped the sheets in pain.
"I-I'm sorry I'm getting your sheets muddy and bloody..." he shushed me by softly placing his digit over my plump dermas.
"That doesn't matter," he said, "all that matters now is you." I felt my cheeks get warm and suddenly I didn't feel anymore horrid pain. He healed me. I don't know how he knew how to do that...
"T-thank you, Kick..." he smiled and laid down next to me.
"W-wait- you'll get mud over you!" He growled a little.
"I said I'm only concerned about you, didn't I?" I turned so I faced him.
"I suppose."
He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.
"I didn't mean to show up like... that." I admitted to the mech bug.
"You're okay now."
I suddenly sat up and had a troubled look glued to my faceplate.
"What's the matter?" He gave me a quizzical look.
"I... I need to tell you something." He nodded for me to continue.
"I have been thinking of quitting the Autobots altogether. Not going back. And to be honest, it sounds like the bots are worse than the cons." Kickback wrapped his servos around me and leaned me back onto his pillows.
"I'd be happy to see you join us." I blushed and kept a grin. He nuzzled his helm onto my neck, something he's done before. It's our way of calming each other down. He placed a soft kiss to my neck and I gasped softly.
"K-Ki..Kick..?" I stuttered in shock as he trailed kisses from my neck to my cheek. His lips hovered just a centimeter above mine as he stared down at me with his optics half shut. Lust filled his eyes. I've only now realized he had taken off his eye gear and set it on the table. His gorgeous red eyes seems to glow with love.
He slammed his lips onto mine without warning. I hummed in surprise and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. His strong glossa stroked my lip and forced its way through. I moaned quietly and he smirked. I pulled away and gasped and panted he smirked and felt his fans kick on.
"I've been meaning to admit this for far too long." He kissed me again and roamed my mouth while his hands played with the nape of my neck.
"Mmmh~" he moaned softly. He pulled back and grinned.
"You taste sweeter than the sweetest redwood." I blushed and held him close.
"I love you."
"I love you as well, Decepticon." He kissed my neck before closing his optics.

944 words

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