Autocats Scenarios

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⭐️Optimus Prime⭐️
Really, a sweetheart. He doesn't like to show his sweet side in public, and I mean in front of other cats, especially the Decepticats.
"Oppy..." he rubbed against my leg, meowing.
"Oppyyyy, please.... I have things to do!" He meowed and jumped onto me. I caught him and sighed.
"Fine, I guess you can work with me." I sat at my computer, which I named Teletraan I, and sat the needy cat on my lap.
He meowed and fell asleep.

Purrceptor wasn't a cat who was big on cuddles. Sure, every now and then he would jump up and sleep on my chest, disrupting everything I'm doing, but he normally sleeps on science books. Like astronomy books and things like that. Funny enough, he doesn't sleep on any other book. He needs a space book on his cat bed just to fall asleep. He likes looking up at night from my window. He also likes sleeping there, but only at night. He doesn't demand much, but when he does, he often meows in in an accent, almost. He hates to admit it, but he likes his belly rubbed.

Goodness... just goodness. He freaks out every time I get injured, even if it's just a small scratch. You can already tell he doesn't like using his claws if it makes him worry. He would honestly run to the first aid kit, back to me, back to the kit, just because I got a paper cut. Sweet, but also sometimes annoying.
"Ratchy!" He meowed and licked the blood that seeped from the shallow wound.
"Dude, I'm okay, jeesh..." I picked him up and laid on my back, having him lay on me. He didn't hesitate to lay on my stomach. He is very caring.

⭐️Bumblebee⭐️ interesting.
If I put on a cartoon, and only a cartoon, or anime, he WILL watch every single minute of it. He meows loudly whenever I pause the tv, as if saying "hey I was watching that". I noticed he has taken Starscream's habit of knocking over everything. One again, except glass. I might even go as far as saying he is afraid of glass cups. He doesn't want anything to do with them.
He is a CUDDLE BUG. When I get home from work/school he meows until I pick him up and touch noses.
He also begs for food.

Jazz, much like Soundwave, likes sleeping on the boom box I have. He doesn't actually turn it on like Soundwave, but he does enjoy the music that plays. He has a lot of energy, and meows just for fun, sometimes. He likes laying beside me and sometimes watches cartoons with Bumblebee. He likes going on the counter and just sitting there and looking outside and listening for birds or squirrels. He destroys new toys within days. I find I constantly need to keep a stash of new toys for him because of how rough he plays.

Let me give you the short and sweet version of Blurr. I am speed.
No, but really, he runs around the house at 4:00 am, and meows nonstop. I can tell Rodimus hates it, because Rodimus never really hangs around Blurr. Blurr begs for food, cuddles, and kisses. He touches noses with me, rubs up against my legs, and sleeps on me. He also has anxiety issues, and can't be left alone for more than 5 hours or else he will go crazy.

Very, very smart. He hates being around Blurr, but I often find the two sleeping side to side with one another. He is very independent and hisses at Screamer every time Screamer breaks a glass. He doesn't demand much, but loves cuddling in private or with Optimus. He loves playing, but gets tired easily.

⭐️Ultra Magnus⭐️
Oh. Boy.
Unlike the others, Screamer I'm looking at you, he prefers to not try to be the dominant cat of the house. He tends to be by himself, or with one other cat. He hates cuddling, begs for food, accepts kisses and nose touches. He only rubs against my legs when he's hungry. He meows when he's in a high area, and that's pretty much it.

She's a sweetheart to Rodimus. It's like they were once mates... or are? I can't tell. She rubs up against me and meows adorably until she gets what she wants. In many cases, cuddles and nose touches. She loves sleeping with me, but also loves sleeping with the other Autocats. She doesn't bed for food much, unless it's Rodimus's food. She will often lick my cheek or nose in an affectionate manner, or scratch me when she's upset with me. Typical cat.

792 words

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