Holoform!Shockwave x Holoform!Reader

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I just wanna write a Shockwave x Reader because it's been a whileeee
All Art by me

⚠️ HEAVY making out!!!! ⚠️

Wearing his white lab coat, Shockwave placed a few pens and pencils in his pocket before ruffling his purple hair. He cleared his throat before looking into his mirror. He adjusted a purple tie that was tied around his neck snugly. He stared at his cyborg-metallic eye cover that made him have one eye.

"Shock- Oh, I'm sorry...I'll wait outsi-"

Shockwave, hearing my startled voice when I barged in on him, turned to the door where I stood.

"No, please. Do not be embarrassed. I was just about done. You can come in." I felt my s/c (skin color) cheeks fade to an unsettling red.

"O-Okay... Once again, I'm so sorry. I forgot to knock..." I walked in and sat on Shockwave's purple and grey themed bed.

"It is illogical for you to apologize twice." He went over to me.

"S-sorr-" I stopped myself and saw my friend sit next to me.

"What did you need from me?" He turned his head.

Flustered, I only became more flustered when Shockwave unbuttoned his lab coat, revealing a low hanging T-shirt.

"I was going to ask if I could spend the night in here?" I felt myself grow uncomfortable at my sudden question. It sounds stupid.

"May I ask why?" I looked outside and saw the stars.

"I... You know what? Never mind..."

Shockwave sat there with a curious look. He stared at me before moving close to me. I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck, then felt his cold hands begin to snake their way around me. I tensed up quickly at his gesture.

"You can tell me anything you desire."

Well, frick. I have no option here, do I?

"I just want to have a nice sleep over with my friend.." The purple haired male smiled slightly.

He ruffled his hair once more and brought me close. He pressed a button on his wall and dimmed the lights.

Shockwave stared at me like I was his prey. He got close to me and hugged me from behind. He gently breathed on my cold skin of my neck, making me shudder. My breath got caught in my throat when I felt him press rough kisses up my neck, eventually making it to my jaw. I turned to face him and he smirked.

"Do you not wish to have a nice sleepover?" He asked, which I just rolled my eyes and pulled him closer. I felt a surge of dominance surge through me as I slammed Shockwave onto the mattress, earning a grunt from the male. I straddled him and kissed him roughly. I closed my eyes in either pleasure or comfort, I'm not sure, and I heard a quiet squeak of a moan come from the 'friend' under me. Shockwave slid his hands to rope around my waist, causing me to growl and grind against him. He moaned louder than before, clearly shocked (hah) by my sudden movement. I continued to kiss him and felt his tongue try to slide into my mouth. I dug my nails into his shirt, eventually removing it. Once removed, I felt my nails dig into his pale flesh, and he once again tried to enter his tongue into my mouth. I growled again and shoved my tongue into his, making the kiss heated more. I teased him but pulled away from him, earning a soft moan of sadness. I stared at his chest hungrily, seeing battle scars and scratches. It only made him hotter, I've realized. I started to kiss and lick his collarbone and he whimpered.


I ended the sweet session by kissing him one last time.

"Let's get some sleep. It was a very nice sleepover." Shockwave, still panting a little and red, nodded and pulled me close.

"I love you."

"As do I."

Ohhhh gosh that was a wild ride-

-Ohhhh gosh that was a wild ride-

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Look what I drew

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