Bumblebee x Abused!Sparkling!Reader ⭐️REQUESTED⭐️

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This is going to be extremely short... Sorry!!

Requested by the Gryfinndor~ Gryffindor450

Distant crying could be heard from the Autobot base. Optimus sent Bumblebee to check out the unidentified noise.

"A sparkling?- Hey! HEY! Stop hurting her!" Bee shouted. The mech that was abusing the sparkling stopped and ran off.

"Hey.." Bee picked up the sparkling. I looked into Bee's ocean eyes and felt the yellow Autobot wipe the tears that streamed down my face.

:;Bee to Optimus, I found an abused sparkling. Her sire was abusing her..;:

:;What? Bring her in.;:


Bee took care of me. Despite Ratchet's insist of him being the one to patch me up, Bee did it. He grabbed the little bandages and put them on me. I blushes and smiled at Bee.

"Yo...You're not going to hurt me...are you?"

"Of course not..." Bee replied. I smiled and hugged Bee, who blushed slightly and hugged back. I found myself grinning at Bee. I could trust him...


Like I said. VERY short. I have no ideas. XD

a very sad 162 words

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