Perceptor x Reader

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I have to run.

I have to get out of here.

Now, Y/n!

Move your legs!

You are going to die if you don't move!

But Perceptor...


You've got to leave him behind. It's his fault if he doesn't make it out. But...

Why does this feel so wrong?


It was a sunny day, everything was perfect. Or so we thought. I was in the med bay with Ratchet, helping the medic clean his tools so they were ready for the next patient. Megatron has been awfully quiet lately, and Optimus has taken great notice to this.
"What do you think happened?" I asked the leader. He hummed in thought.
"I am thinking he is planning something for us, and nothing good." I sighed and nodded.
"I just hope we have this day to ourselves." I replied. I went to Perceptor and that's when everything fell apart. Shaking, rumbling... cracking, falling. An asteroid hit the base. I screamed and fell down. Perceptor fell as well, the impact surprising him.
"We need to leave, now!" The walls, or what were left, were already on fire. Spreading wildly like the plague. I yelped as part of the ceiling fell almost on me, unfortunately for poor Perceptor, the beam of the ceiling fell, blocking his only way out.
"Go, just leave me! I will be... ow- Fine!" He grunted. More of the wall and ceiling fell on him, covering him in dust.
The fire was spreading faster. As if there was oil feeding it as it ate its way down the main hall to the center of the base. The others must have already made it out. It was only Perceptor and I left. I ran, tripping on my own feet, then stopped when I heard painful grunts coming from my friend.
I can't turn back now.

I have to run.

I have to get out of here.

Now, Y/n!

Move your legs!

You are going to die if you don't move!

But Perceptor...


You've got to leave him behind. It's his fault if he doesn't make it out. But...

Why does this feel so wrong?

I felt warm tears spill from my optics, the fire becoming more and more violent as I stall myself.
"I'm sorry, but I can't leave you behind!" I ran back and jumped over the wall of flames, scorching myself, but I didn't care at all. All that was on my mind was Perceptor. He cried for help.
"I'm coming, don't worry!" I dug him out of the debris and pulled him to his feet. He staggered and fell.
"Please... I can't walk... the metal must have crushed my wires." I froze as everywhere I looked...


There's no way out... no way....

"The wood... that's already burnt... is weaker.... you can... make a hole in it...." I nodded and kicked the wooden wall, making a hole in it. There I saw the others. They looked scared. I pulled Perceptor with me, making it out just in time before the base fell.

We made it out just in time....

If we haven't made it-

Oh Primus...


I laid Perceptor down on the grass and took the medical kit Ratchet had and started to rewire Perceptor's legs.

Blue to blue.

Yellow to yellow.

Red with red.

Black with black.

Over and over.

"Perceptor, I'm sorry... I ...I shouldn't have thought of leaving you behind." He gently grabbed my cheek, stroking it softly.
"This isn't your fault... you had no idea the asteroid would hit. Sure, I may have, but that is definitely on me." He grunted in pain as I connected the wires together. He arched his back and gripped the grass in his servos in pain. Oh how much that hurt to see.
"You're doing good... don't worry..." I had tears in my eyes.

How was I able to keep calm?!

Here I am, fixing my friend's legs, who would be paralyzed and even dead without me!

My home just got destroyed by an asteroid!

How am I so calm about this?

"Hey... you are doing good as well, Y/n. Just take deep breaths and relax. I can feel my legs once again... thanks to you." I wrapped my arms around him, tears finally deciding to make themselves known.
"Shh... shh..." I cried on his chest, he only wrapped his arms around me, comforting me the best he could.

I've lost so much...

Yet gained more than I could ever think of.


He rubbed my back soothingly, shushing me quietly.

"Y-you could have.. Primus...Primus...Pr-..." I couldn't talk because of how much I was crying. He somehow tolerated me.



I heard a siren and saw Inferno. He poured water onto the flames and they died.

"Come on, let's go somewhere more private. It's for your own good... and mine as well." I nodded as we got up. His legs held him perfectly.


"P-Perceptor...?" My voice was shaky.

It really did happen way to fast, didn't it?

"I'm here, no worries. You know, we lost a lot in the fire... but you did not lose this." He held up a moon necklace.

That's when it hit me.

He had given me that necklace when we were first friends.

We met under a crescent moon.

"You're smile is just as bright as the moon itself!" Little Perceptor said happily to me as a little bot.
"W-who, me?" I asked.
"Yes, you! I'm Perceptor! I like stargazing and anything space related! What bout you?" I grabbed my arm nervously.
"I-I'm Y/n... I enjoy looking at the stars as well... I really like f/p (favorite planet)....and f/s (favorite star)."  Perceptor grinned. That's when I knew I could trust him.


" grabbed that for me? I... It must have broken off from when I jumped over the fire!" I grinned and took it from the red mech. He smiled sweetly.
"Your smile is still as bright as that crescent moon." I blushed and found myself leaning towards him. He leaned in and captured my lips with his.
"Everything will be okay, Moonbeam." I smiled.
"You still call me that? You haven't called me that since we met!"

"I guess things never really change, love."

😭 this was cuuuuute
1056 words

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