Knockout x Magic!Violinist!Reader

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Requested by the awesome ~ @Lamemgunar

A/n: I don't know how a violin works or how to play it, sorry if I get things wrong 😂

I took out my violin and put the bow gently on the strings. I saw a black cat wander by as I started to play. I wish to be hidden, to not be noticed by many. And my wish came true by the second note played by my instrument.

I wandered along the city streets, my black paws scattering about as I searched for my violin. I needed to have it with me at all costs. It wasn't just any old stupid violin, of course. My great grandmother played with some magic and gave me the violin. I'm not sure if she blessed it or if she put a spell on it in which when she dies her soul, being a magician and witch, went into the wood itself of the musical instrument. I jumped onto a trash can and looked around. When I tried to cast a spell on myself with my violin, my mind wandered to the black cat. And I turned said cat. My mind raced with curiosity. I've decided the only way I could get my violin back was to go to one of my best friends.


"Megatron, I'm here to make sure you're aware... there seems to be a little Earthling creature called a cat that has boarded the Nemesis." Knockout told the warlord. Knockout saw the black cat, me, run past Megatron and rub up against Knockout's leg. He gently kicked me to the side and made me fall onto my back. I meowed in surprise but didn't give up.
⭐️ten minutes later⭐️
Okay I gave up. Knockout doesn't understand cat, and nor does Megatron. But, thankfully my lord allowed me on. He seems fond of my new form. I then remembered on member of the Decepticon crew that could help me. Soundwave.
"Meow!! Meow!! Meow!" I meowed hastily and jumped up onto Soundwave's desk. He turned his helm to me and scanned me. He then found himself tilting his helm in wonder. A little question mark popped up on his screen and I pawed at his face.
". . .Translating. . ." He spoke. Apparently he only reveals his true voice to animals.
"Meow!! Meow, mew!!!" I meowed once more, hoping that the third in command could help me. I felt him shift in curiosity as he moved closer. I saw a few pictures of me, my normal self, appear on his screen. I jumped up and nodded.
"Question: you have been transformed into a black cat?" I nodded and moved my paws in a movement that represented a violin.
" your violin?" I nodded again and mewled.
":;Soundwave to Knockout,;:" Soundwave used a different voice, but it was still clear it was him talking.
":;This is Knockout, what is it? I've never heard you radio anyone:;."
":;come quick:;"


Knockout rushed in and saw Soundwave holding the black cat.
"Statement: Y/n has been turned into a cat."
"That's her? Is that why she's not back yet?" Knockout seemed honestly surprised.  Soundwave nodded and carefully handed me to the cherry red mech.
"Order: find Y/n's violin." Knockout nodded and walked out. He would sometimes pet me behind the ears and make me purr loudly. He smiled at my cute purrs and held me closer.
"Megatron, have you seen a violin?" Knockout asked.
"What? No, I haven't. Why would I?"
"Funny story, Y/n is a cat. And realizing this she can claw and ruin my paint job- you hold her." Knockout shoved me into the surprisingly gentle arms of Megatron.
"Search for the violin and return to us when you find it." Knockout agreed to the plans and took off while Megatron stroked my soft fur and eventually lulled me to sleep.


"Megatron, I found her violin. I had to-" he grunted, "to beautify a few alley thieves..." he fell onto his knees. I peeked my head up from my lord's arm and saw my precious violin. Then it occurred to me that... I don't know how to play it as a cat.
"Soundwave, could you translate?" Soundwave, suddenly just appearing into the room, nodded.
". . . Translating . . ."
"Translate faster!" Barked Megatron.
"She says she does not know how to play with her paws."
"I could always try and play for her."
"Negative. You are in no fit condition."
"Soundwave is right, Y/n, how shall I play to turn you back to normal?" Megatron asked me. He felt like a fool when he spoke. He's talking to a cat! An alley cat! Those who fight over females and food!
After a series of meows, Soundwave translated them for Megatron.
"Like-" he played the series of notes and it was incorrect. I hissed and he growled.
"I don't play a stupid human instrument!" Soundwave stared as Knockout grunted in pain as he lowered himself to the ground more.
"Try these." Soundwave played the notes I meowed to him and Megatron slowly, and very sloppily, played the notes. I felt myself shift and warp into my normal self. I gagged at the taste of fish and cat food. I fell forward and saw the cat from before. He, yes he, jumped away from the scene.
"Y/-.." Knockout coughed and fell back.
"Knocky!" I ran over to him and grabbed my violin. I started playing a healing song and Knockout seemed to be responding to the magic. He rose up and smiled when he was fully healed. Soundwave had a cute smiley face on his visor and Megatron left already. Soundwave left soon and Knockout and I stayed out. Knockout had a relieved smile on his face plate and brought me close. I planted my lips on his lips and he kissed back. It was sweet and thoughtful.
"I'm glad you're okay." I said.
"You are glad that I am okay? I'm glad you're okay." He hugged me and I hugged him back and we just stayed in each other's grasp for the rest of the evening.

1014 words

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