Medic!Starscream x Injured!Seeker!Reader

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Why am I so clumsy? I gripped my bleeding waist and limped back to a safe place. I had been flying around in search of fresh energon, but as the skies shifted, a strong gust of wind threw me off and I crash landed near an area with rotating wind. The wind quickly changed to a tornado and glass had cut my waist. I crawled and only made it worse. I saw a lamppost fly in my direction and hit my leg.

I had woken up in the med bay in the Decepticon base. I saw Starscream smile at me.
"Too bad, I thought you were gone." He jokes to lighten the mood.
"Ha ha ha, very funny." The sarcasm in my voice was painfully obvious. Starscream slowly helped me sit up and turned to grab a wrap to help slow the bleeding. His digits wrapped around the soft fabric. He pulled it towards himself and turned to me.
"Hold still..." he wrapped it around my waist and I groaned in pain.
"You didn't tell me it'd- gah- hurt..." Starscream shushed me and sat next to me.
"Oh, by the way... it will hurt." I glared and grabbed his hand. He stopped by attaching the Velcro together and wrapped his digits around mine. He leaned towards me and kissed me softly. It had meaning but was slow and soft.
"It didn't hurt too bad." He said. I bit my derma and nodded.
"I suppose."

This was just a short idea. I dunno 254 words

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